Contributed Photo: The Mt. Graham Regional Medical Center is at full bed capacity due to an influx of COVID-19 cases.
MGRMC at full bed capacity
Contributed Article/Courtesy MGRMC
SAFFORD – Mt. Graham Regional Medical Center (MGRMC) wishes to publically thank the towns of Pima and Thatcher for unanimously supporting a mask regulation and the Graham County Board of Supervisors for unanimously passing a mask regulation for Graham County.
MGRMC is currently experiencing unprecedented numbers as a result of the ongoing pandemic and its current spike. Patient levels for non-COVID related issues are currently consistent with this time of year. However, an additional average of 14 COVID-positive patients per day over the last five days in our hospital is effectively doubling our standard patient load.
Yesterday, 18 individuals presented themselves at our Emergency Department with symptoms consistent with COVID-19 while an additional nine individuals presented themselves with flu-like symptoms which can also indicate COVID positivity.
At the time of this statement’s issue, MGRMC is at full bed capacity. Again, these numbers are unprecedented. If trends do not change, our hospital will be unable to meet the capacity needs of our community.
Recognizing this reality, MGRMC joined with county health officials last week in advocating for a mask regulation in the hopes that greater mask-wearing compliance in our community would ease the spike we are currently experiencing. The coming days will inform all of us as to the effectiveness of this effort.
Hospital administration and staff recognize the strong feelings and beliefs that surround a mask regulation. The hospital’s support of a mask regulation is not politically motivated but rather is rooted strictly in a desire to reduce capacity demands on our hospital, provide the care our community requires, and provide mental and physical relief to a healthcare staff that is being stretched to its limits. For these reasons, we once again express our gratitude to the elected officials who bravely came to our aid by passing this regulation