Independent, Libertarian, Republican, Democrat, Green, No-Labels
Contributed Article
GILA COUNTY – Last week, Gila County Recorder Sadie Jo Bingham re-affirmed that all registered voters are allowed to vote in this month’s primary: Independent, Libertarian, Republican, Democrat, Green No-Labels or ‘Party Not Designated (PND)’ – all voters.
Her press release issued on July 9 corrects misinformation concerning the 2024 Primary Election. Voters registered as Independent or Party Not Designated (PND) can participate in the Primary Election.
If you are registered as an Independent or PND and on the Active Early Voting List (AEVL) and haven’t received your ballot it is because you have not notified the Gila County Recorder’s Office of your ballot choice (Democratic or Republican).
Call the Gila County Recorder’s Office at (928) 402-8738 or (928) 402-8740, tell staff your choice of ballot, and that will be mailed to you.
Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, Greens, and No Labels registered voters can vote in the Primary Election.
If you are registered within the city or town limits of Globe, Miami, Hayden, Winkelman, Payson, or Star Valley, you are eligible for the town races, and they will be on your ballot regardless of what party you are registered.
Important dates
Friday, July 19 – The last day to request an early ballot be mailed. Sample Ballots are also mailed to anyone who isn’t on the Active Early Voting List (AEVL)
Friday, July 26 – The last day to vote in person at the Recorder’s Office in Globe and Payson
Saturday-Monday, July 27-29 – Emergency Voting
Tuesday, July 30–Election Day
Use the Gila County Recorder’s Office and Elections Department, the Arizona Secretary of State (; and the Citizens Clean Elections Commission (; as your trusted election resources.