Pima Soccer League signups begin Thursday

(Photo Credit: Wikipedia Commons)

(Photo Credit: Wikipedia Commons)

Staff Reports

PIMA – Signups for the 20th season of the Pima Soccer League starts today, Thursday, at Pima Town Hall from 6 – 8 p.m.

The town will also have signups Saturday, Aug. 11, from 9 a.m. – noon and Tuesday, Aug. 14, from 6 – 8 p.m. Any player registering after Aug. 14 will be assessed a $10 late fee and no registrations will be accepted after Aug. 20.

The league is made up of three age-group teams; Pee-Wee League for players 4 – 6 years old (at least 4 by Nov. 4 and not turning 7 before Nov. 30), Junior League for players 7 – 9 years old (at least 7 by Nov. 30 and not turning 10 before Nov. 30), and Senior League for players 10 – 12 years old (at least 10 by Nov. 30 and not turning 13 before Nov. 30). The Pee-Wee League runs 48-minute games and the cost to register is $20, while the Junior and Senior League run 68-minute games with a $25 registration cost. 

Team selection will take place Aug. 21 – 28, with games beginning Sept. 8 and continuing every Saturday through Nov. 10 except for Oct. 13. The games take place at the Pima Soccer Fields next to the Vard Lines Roping Arena. An All-Star Game for the Junior and Senior League will be Nov. 17.

Fees must be paid at registration with a cap of three children per family. Any additional children are free, and for those who coach, the fee is waived for one of their children.

Shin guards are mandatory, and there will be a gear swap at the registration clinics where players can donate and pick up shin guards and soccer cleats.

The league is also looking for sponsors. For $100 per team, your family or business name will be printed on the uniform of the team or teams you sponsor.

For more information contact Amanda Rogers at pimasoccerleague@gmail.com.