NJCAA cancels athletic events through April 3

EAC Photo: EAC baseball team

EAC Photo: EAC baseball team

By Kris McBride

THATCHER — At the direction of the National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA), all Eastern Arizona College (EAC) athletic events have been canceled through April 3. The NJCAA Board of Regents will meet on April 3 to reassess conditions and determine if regular competition should resume.

“We are all navigating unchartered waters carefully and cautiously as the last four days have been extremely trying for all involved, but we are committed to providing a safe and feasible plan of action to all NJCAA members across the country,” the NJCAA release stated.

EAC has announced that its campus is not closing at this time, but in or order to mitigate the growing risk of COVID-19 transmission it may become necessary to implement social distancing practices after students and faculty arrive back from spring break on Monday, March 23.

“We will continue to monitor the growing risk of COVID-19 transmission and make appropriate decisions after students arrive back from spring break,” stated EAC President Todd Haynie. “Based on official reports from governmental health agencies, we may decide to virtualize classes and further limit or curtail campus events.”