How to grow carnations at home

Carnations are beautiful and fragrant flowers that can be a wonderful decoration for your home. They offer a wide range of varieties with a variety of colors and fragrances, and due to their unpretentiousness, growing them at home is quite easy. Well, you can see for yourself by starting to grow them! In this article, we’ll go over with you how to grow carnations at home so you can enjoy their beauty and fragrance all year round.

Preparing the soil and pots

The first step is to prepare suitable soil and pots. Choose a well-draining soil with a neutral pH to avoid root rot. Plant carnations in pots of adequate size with drainage holes to avoid stagnant water.

Choosing the species and variety

These flowers offer many different varieties, including annuals, perennials, and even miniature varieties. Choose a variety that suits your preferences and growing conditions. For example, miniature varieties or varieties with compact growth are suitable for home conditions.

Full light

Carnations love bright light, so choose a spot with good lighting for them. Window sills on the south or west side of the house are great places for them. However, avoid direct sunlight, which can cause burns on the leaves.

Regular watering

Carnations often need regular watering, but avoid overwatering the soil, which can lead to root rot. Allow the soil to dry out between waterings, but do not allow it to dry out completely. They may use more water during the summer months, so keep an eye on soil moisture.


During the active growth period of carnations, fertilize regularly. Use an all-purpose fertilizer for flowering plants or a specialized formulation. Follow the instructions on the package for optimal application.

Pruning and care

Regular pruning will help maintain a compact shape and encourage carnations to bloom. Remove wilted flowers and dead leaves to prevent disease and improve the plant’s appearance.

Propagation Process

Carnations can be propagated by seed, cuttings, or bush division. Choose the method that best suits your conditions and experience. Bush division is usually done in early spring when the plant is just starting to grow vigorously.

Growing carnations at home is a great way to add beauty and fragrance to your home. By following simple care tips, you can enjoy their bright colors and fragrance all year long. But don’t forget to give them attention and care, and they will thank you with their beauty and grace.