Walt Mares File Photo/Gila Herald: The Holy Cross Catholic Church in Morenci is located in front of a copper mining tailings field.
Dear Editor,
Your editorial on the Border and Mayorkas Impeachment (Editorial: The border and Moyorkas’ impeachment – Gila Herald, April 18, 2024, Column By Mike Bibb) was not only a good read, but spot on. Congress and our other leaders in Washington are facing many serious issues but instead often take the path of political theater.
One area that comes to mind is the many, many regulations proposed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that would heavily regulate or even ban chemicals that are essential for everything from healthcare to the manufacturing of lithium-ion batteries, microchips, and semiconductors, electric vehicles, and the list goes on. Many of these products are manufactured here in Arizona due to our unique environment.
These industries also bring well-paying jobs to Arizona as well as billions of dollars in investment to our state. We need our leaders in Washington from the administration to Congress to have the EPA take a step back and look at all the effects of their regulations on critical concerns of our nation. If they do not, we run the risk of not only harming the economy of Arizona, but even to threaten the ability of America to compete on the world stage.
Thank you,
Alex Stanton – Safford