Photo By Don Nicoll: A food drive will be held at the Clifton Train Station on Monday, Jan. 18, from 6 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Will benefit food bank in Duncan
By Walt Mares
“We are not here to curse the darkness, but to light a candle that can guide us through the darkness to a safe and sure future. For the world is changing. The old era is ending.”
President John F. Kennedy, July 15, 1960
CLIFTON – In the spirit of President John F. Kennedy’s message, Martin Luther King Day, this Monday, Jan. 18, has been designated as a Day of Service for all Americans. Everyone is asked to light a candle a put it in their window at 5:30 p.m. on that day.
In addition, there will be a canned/non-perishable food drive-up at the Clifton Train Station from 6 a.m. until 7 p.m. Two large trash cans will be in the parking lot near the steps to the Train Station for drop-off. Greenlee residents are asked to scour their cupboards in order to donate canned goods and non-perishables and drop them in the cans there on Jan. 18.
After the holidays, food contributions for the Greenlee Food Bank tend to dry up. However, the need is still there. More Americans suffer food insecurity now than at any time since the Great Depression.
Greenlee residents are asked to scour their cupboards to donate canned goods and non-perishables and drop them in the cans at the Clifton station on Jan. 18. Donations will be given to the Greenlee Food Bank at the First Baptist Church in Duncan.
Food distribution at the First Baptist Church in Duncan takes place each month on the second Wednesday, 3:30 – 5 p.m., and the fourth Tuesday, 9 – 10:30 a.m. There are income requirements and customers must be Arizona residents. Call 928-322-2209 for more information.
Food distribution for those in need in the Clifton area takes place every second Friday at the Clifton American Legion. Gleaning Commodities, a food truck that comes up from Phoenix, provides this service. For more information call the Greenlee Health Department at 928-865-2801.