Contributed Photo: Graham County resident Kerry Kelly meets with published poet Joyce Benvenuto at an event at the Graham County Democrats’ headquarters in Safford on St. Patrick’s Day. Benvenuto will give a reading for the Greenlee County Democrats on Thursday, March 24, starting at 5 p.m. at the historic Clifton Train Station.
Event March 24 at historic Clifton Train Station
By Walt Mares
The Greenlee County Democrats will be holding a special event at their monthly meeting on Thursday, March 24, at 5 p.m., at the historic Clifton Train Station.
The event will be of special interest to poetry lovers as it features published poet Joyce Benvenuto with “Poems for the Common Man.” The poet gave a presentation on St. Patrick’s Day at the Graham County Democrats headquarters in Safford. Those who missed that event will be able to hear Benvenuto in Clifton.
The train station was built in the early 1900s and those who have not seen it before will have the opportunity to enjoy a key structure related to local copper mining history. Across the street is the “Copperhead” locomotive built in the late 1800s and used in the latter part of that period and the early 20th Century.
In addition, Chris Hawkins, a regional organizer with the Stop Dark Money movement, will speak about the need for accountability in election funding, and what we can do about it.
Meeting participants can also sign up to be precinct committee members (PCs) for the 2023-25 season. The deadline is coming soon.
The meeting is also accessible via Zoom. Call 602-525-3686 for more details.