Editorial: Watch what you say

Column By Mike Bibb

I said, now, watch what you say, they’ll be calling you a radical, A liberal, oh, fanatical, criminal. Oh, won’t you sign up your name?  We’d like to feel you’re acceptable Respectable, oh, presentable, a vegetable.

The Logical Song,  Supertramp, 1979

When British rock/folk group Supertramp released “Watch What You Say” on their Breakfast in America album, the term “Radical MAGA Republicans” hadn’t been conceived.

That phrase wouldn’t be devised until 44 years later by the President of the United States.

Ironically, it may very well be the most notable achievement of his entire term in office.  He actually accomplished something by alienating nearly half the country.

Once, touted as the “Healer-in-Chief,” a president who would bring the Democrats and Republicans together in a giant group hug, Joe Biden has instead done a 180.

The healer-in-chief gradually morphed into a liberal podium-pounding political puppet, complete with script writers and stage managers directing his theatrical performances.

Even though Joe’s been around the Washington game for half a century, he hasn’t quite perfected the acting skills necessary to convince the majority of voters that his administration has been a roaring success. 

Screwups keep getting in the way.

To compensate for these deficiencies, he’s now using the well-worn “diversion technique” – blame everything that’s gone wrong on the other guy.

To further emphasize the point, coin a clever phrase that’s sure to grab the media’s attention, thereby guaranteeing the clapping seals of the press will habitually repeat it over and over until it becomes fact.

Until several months ago, Donald Trump supporters were simply referred to as “MAGA Republicans,” distinguishing them from other Republican enthusiasts.

After Biden’s Department of Justice, in cahoots with a couple of state justice agencies, managed to bring four individual indictments, comprising 91 separate charges against Trump, the MAGA Republicans began to be referred to as Radical MAGA Republicans.

Primarily, due to the fact increasing numbers of people began to suspect the DOJ’s unprecedented move against Trump was overkill, purposely designed to hinder him from campaigning against Joe in the 2024 presidential election.

Biden’s support was further eroded when incriminating evidence was exposed revealing Joe’s involvement in secretly removing classified government documents from various federal offices; a congressional committee gathering information on the Biden family’s lucrative financial association with foreign agencies and individuals, and Joe’s son, Hunter, dodging income tax and federal gun charges.

To date, other than Hunter’s gun faux pax and plea discussions, no indictments have been handed down, in spite of DOJ knowing about these suspicious Biden activities for several years.

And certainly, no trials appear to be scheduled.

As a result, to deflect from Joe’s floundering presidency, his national economic woes, rising inflation, open borders, Ukraine and Israel wars, and other assorted missteps, it appears Joe’s advisers have decided about the only thing they have left to campaign on is to continue bashing Trump and his supporters.

Nothing new about this strategy – the Dems have been doing it for about seven years.  At least, they’re consistent.

So, if it takes calling Trump boosters “Radical MAGA Republicans,” “White Supremacist,” or some other derogatory term, then that’s what will be done.

However, the Democrat National Committee has already decided there will be no debates prior to the election in November 2024.  It’s simply too risky having Joe ramble about one thing – or another – on national TV.   Cue cards would be of little help in a one-on-one with Trump.  

Apparently, name-shaming and bogus accusations are all right.  It’s not necessary the allegations be factual, only that they be widely circulated in the press and social media by “unnamed sources.”

Meanwhile, the courts will tie up Trump’s time, and money, as long as they can.  That’s their assigned part in this melodrama.  The remaining cast of stereotyped characters will dutifully perform their roles in accordance with the play’s sponsors.

With about a year to go before the elections, Joe’s descending popularity could reach a level where the DNC finally decides it’s time to cut bait and give Joe his final ride in The Beast to the old folks’ home of his choice.

The opinions expressed in this editorial are those of the author.