Contributed Article
GILA COUNTY – Gila County Public Works Roads Division will perform road improvement projects in May and June.
This road improvement project will consist of a chip seal on top of the existing pavement and a surface seal on top of the chip seal.
A chip seal consists of a petroleum-based binder that seals the existing pavement and a 3/8” aggregate, “chip” that will provide a new textured surface to drive on.
To ensure the success of this project, Gila County requests that all residents who live in the following areas scheduled for this year’s chip seal not have anything parked within any right-of-way from 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. for the duration of this project. This includes but is not limited to, vehicles, boats, and trailers
This is to ensure that we can cover 100% of the paved area and avoid damaging anything parked too close to the construction site.
There will not be any road closures, but drivers should expect one-way traffic and/or temporary rerouting, small delays, flaggers, and traffic control.
The following are the scheduled areas and dates for the Gila County Roads Division 2024 chip seal:
Southern Gila County
Tuesday, May 14 through Thursday, May 16:
Beer Tree Crossing (From Saguaro Drive to Upper Pinal Creek Road)
Upper Pinal Creek Road (From Beer Tree Crossing to end)
Walliman Road (From Stockyards Road to Saguaro Drive)
Saguaro Drive (From Walliman Road to Daybreak Drive)
Johnson Road (From Main Street to end)
Rose Mofford Way (From Russell Rd. to Besich Boulevard)
Washborn St. (From Russell Road. to end)
Neilson Street (From Russell Road to end)
Hope Lane (From Russell Road to Landfill Scale House)
Huie Street (From Russell Road to end)
Story Street (From Russell Road to end)
Woodward Street (From Russell Road to end)
Tuesday, May 21 through Thursday, May 24:
Utility Street (From Russell Road to end)
Sneddon Street (From Russell Road. to end)
Lancaster Street (From Russell Road to end)
Pinal Canyon Drive (entirety)
Thomasina Lane (From Sneddon to end)
Butterfly Lane (From Sneddon Street to end)
Russell Road (from Golden Hill Street to end)
If you have any questions or concerns contact Gila County Regional Roads Manager Adrian Mata at 928-402-8528.