By Kris McBride/EAC
THATCHER, Ariz.— Eastern Arizona College’s music department is pleased to announce its preparations for the 86th annual performance of Handel’s Messiah that will take place Sunday, Dec. 11, 2022, at 7:30 p.m., in the EAC Fine Arts Auditorium.
All interested individuals are invited to join the mass choir. Rehearsals will be held from 7 – 8:30 p.m. in the EAC Choir Room on the dates below:
· Tuesday, Oct. 25
· Tuesday, Nov. 1
· Tuesday, Nov. 8
· Tuesday, Nov. 15
· Tuesday, Nov. 22
· Tuesday, Nov. 29
· Tuesday, Dec. 6
· Thursday, Dec. 8 (rehearsal with the orchestra in Fine Arts Auditorium)
A full technical rehearsal will be held on Saturday, Dec. 10, from 2 – 5 p.m., in the Fine Arts Auditorium. The mass choir will meet on Sunday, Dec. 11, at 7 p.m., thirty minutes prior to the performance.
Some singers may find it easier to rehearse with the EAC A Cappella Choir during their normal rehearsals. The public is welcome to join them to rehearse Messiah on Tuesdays and Thursdays, at noon, through November and the first few days of December.
“Very few events bring the campus and Gila Valley communities together like the Messiah,” said Gideon Burrows, EAC director of choral music and conductor for the performance. “We want everyone to participate in this traditional staple of the holiday season.”
The performance will combine the community and alumni singers with students from the A Cappella Choir and Resonus, EAC’s tenor-bass choir. Singers who have their own Messiah score are asked to please bring it to rehearsals. Alumni who do not reside in the Gila Valley but who would like to participate in this performance are invited to contact Gideon Burrows for details (email below).
Auditions for solo roles will occur following the rehearsal on Tuesday, Nov.15. The College would like to showcase as many interested soloists as possible for this event. If you have any questions, contact Burrows by email at