Coaches retained at Fort Thomas High School

Photo By Raymundo Frasquillo: Evan Stringfellow of Fort Thomas directs Blue’s third possession, awaiting for receivers to get open on his initial pass attempt. Red’s Frank Valencia of Hayden blocked the pass, but the drive covered 85 yards in 8 plays and resulted in a 15-yard TD catch for a 14-8 Blue lead early in the second quarter.

Raymundo Frasquillo File Photo/Gila Herald: Evan Stringfellow of Fort Thomas directs Blue’s third possession, awaiting for receivers to get open on his initial pass attempt in the 2018 Red/Blue all-star game. The drive covered 85 yards in 8 plays and resulted in a 15-yard TD catch for a 14-8 Blue lead early in the second quarter. Stringfellow was approved Thursday night as The Fort’s new head football coach.

New head football coach Evan Stringfellow 

By Jon Johnson

FORT THOMAS – After making the unprecedented move to open all high school coaching positions for the 2024/25 school year at its April meeting, the Fort Thomas School Board voted 3-2 to approve all recommended coaches from school staff. Board members Vernon Poncho and Hugh Moses Jr. voted against approval.  

All the coaches from last year who wished to coach again next year have been approved, and the new head football coach is Evan Stringfellow. 

Back in 2018 Stringfellow was starring for the Apaches as their starting quarterback; six years later he is the head coach. 

Fort Thomas is a public high school in Graham County with the majority of its students coming from the Bylas area of the San Carlos Apache Reservation. 

At Fort Thomas, as at many public schools, the principals and administration generally make recommendations to the board to fill extracurricular positions, including athletics, as they come. However, the board rejected renewing a couple of recommendations, so it decided in April to open up all coaching positions to all applicants. The administration reviewed the candidates and recommended filling them with those same coaches who desire to do so.