Close of Registration for the 2024 General Election

The last day to register to vote in this year's general election is Oct. 7.

Contributed Article/Courtesy Gila County

Gila County Recorder Sadie Jo Bingham would like to remind Gila County residents that the cut-off to register to vote for the 2024 General Election is approaching. The cut-off is midnight on Monday, Oct. 7, 2024.

A new voter registration form must be completed by anyone who has moved (even to a new apartment number in the same complex), changed their name since their last registration, is a new Gila County resident, or would like to change their party affiliation.

The easiest way is to go to and complete the registration online.

Or see if you are registered and if we have the most current info for you at

Forms are available at multiple locations throughout the county; the Gila County Recorder’s Office (Globe and Payson), all post offices, public libraries, political party headquarters, and city/town halls.

Voters can download a form directly from the Secretary of State’s website:

Early voting begins Oct. 9, 2024.