Churches announce vacation Bible schools during June

Staff Reports

GILA VALLEY – Summertime is here and with it includes finding something for the children to do during the day when they otherwise would have been at school. 

To help parents fill the void and increase the youths’ knowledge of scripture, two churches have announced the opening of their respective vacation Bible schools. 

The First Southern Baptist Church in Thatcher will hold its school from June 17-21 from 8 a.m. – 12 p.m. daily and is for students from kindergarten through sixth grade. Teenagers are appreciated to volunteer to assist group leaders and free transportation is available if needed. 

This year, the theme is The Incredible Race, which refers to the human race and will highlight scriptures from Genesis 1-11, Psalm 139, Acts 17:26, Revelation 7:9-19, and Luke 10:25-37.

The First Southern Baptist Church in Thatcher’s school will include crafts, videos, music, and science experiments. Many activities will take place outdoors and there will be daily snacks and brown bag lunches. On the last day of the school, the participants will present a program for their parents.

For more information or to register call 602-526-3468 and ask for Julie. 

The First Baptist Church of Safford will hold its vacation Bible school from June 24-28 and will be from 9 – 11:30 a.m. 

The school is open for students from kindergarten through sixth grade and participants will learn about Joseph’s journey through Egypt. 

Online registration is available at