Woman allegedly gives birth while on illicit drugs

An intoxicated woman allegedly attempted to bite a hospital employee while being medically cleared for the jail.

MGRMC File Photo

By Jon Johnson


SAFFORD – A Department of Child Safety (DCS) case was opened in late August after a woman gave birth to a baby at Mt. Graham Regional Medical Center (MGRMC) with illicit drugs in her system and drug paraphernalia in her bag.

Mallory Devina Lang, 28, of Bylas, is facing possible criminal charges pending a review by the Graham County Attorney’s Office. Lang also has two outstanding warrants for her arrest regarding shoplifting charges from 2018.

Concerned hospital staff notified the police of the situation on Aug. 21, after they noticed drug paraphernalia in an open bag Lang brought with her to the O.B. Department. Lang also tested positive for methamphetamine and Oxycodone, which is a synthetic opioid.

According to medical staff statements to police, Lang gave birth the previous night and had a blue Nike bag she kept close to her. The following morning, Lang was sleeping but had left her bag open. Inside the bag was a smaller bag/purse that was also open and hypodermic needles and cut straws were in plain sight.

After Lang awoke later that day, an officer spoke with her and she initially denied ownership of the drug paraphernalia. Lang later admitted the needles and cut straws were hers and that she had simply forgotten to take them out of her bag in the rush to go to the hospital.

Lang also allegedly admitted to using the needles to inject meth and said she currently has custody of three of her five children but now was unsure if she was going to be allowed to take her new baby home with her.

The officer advised Lang that DCS would contact her about the issue and that his report would be sent to prosecutors for review and charging. As of Tuesday, Sept. 7, no new charges have yet been filed.