Jon Johnson Photo/Gila Herald: The VFW Auxiliary Post 10385 is seeking new members as well as patrons to its new Fish Fry Fridays dinners to help with a financial glut.
Post announces Fish Fry Fridays and Valentine’s Day Dinner
By Jon Johnson
THATCHER – Proud Americans who have given their all for our country are supported by the Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary. Now, local VFW Auxiliary Post 10385 is looking for the public to help support them to continue to serve our nation’s veterans.

The Auxiliary assists local and Arizona veterans in a variety of ways and also supports local students with school scholarships and national programs, such as the national home for children in Missouri, which helps provide housing and schooling for children of veterans and are also looking at assisting the federal employees during the government shutdown. However, a dwindling membership has left the organization hemorrhaging money.
“We are kind of in a bind with our members and our finances coming in to the building to keep post and building open,” said VFW Auxiliary Post 10385 President Charlotte Reynolds.
“Our finances are going down faster than we are brining it in.”
To attempt to bring in more attendance at its regularly-scheduled bingo night every Friday, the Auxiliary is introducing a Fish Fry Friday to coincide with the bingo from 6 – 9 p.m. For $10 a plate, patrons can choose from either a fish or chicken dinner with beverages provided for an extra charge. Those who wish to eat dinner do not have to play bingo and vice versa. Reservations are not needed, and patrons may simply drop in and order their food every Friday.
The Auxiliary will also be holding a special Valentine’s Dinner on Thursday, Feb. 14, from 6 – 9 p.m. That dinner will feature ribeye steak with vegetables, baked potato, and salad for $20, with dessert and beverages provided for an extra charge. Those interested in
“We need help from the community,” said VFW Auxiliary Post 10385 Treasurer/Secretary Sarah Elkins. “We need help from individuals. We need help from anyone who can help us. We need help. Donations and volunteers are never turned down.”

Donations are happily accepted Fridays during bingo and Wednesday mornings from 9 a.m. – noon. The Auxiliary is also looking for new members.
Safford City Councilman Michael Andazola Sr. is a member of the Auxiliary and said he appreciates all the assistance given to the group so they can, in turn, continue to support our veterans.
“We greatly appreciate the help in assisting our veterans,” Andazola Sr. said. “It’s no matter if it’s the VFW or the American Legion, we all need to work together and the community is great in supporting us in our endeavors . . . It’s for our veterans, and I stand with our veterans. They are our symbol of America and represent us well in the past, future, and present.”