Truck fire spreads to home in Duncan

Contributed Photo: An electrical fire that started in this Dodge truck has been fingered as the cause of a house fire in Duncan on Sunday that burned the residence and three vehicles.

Contributed Photo: An electrical fire that started in this Dodge truck has been fingered as the cause of a house fire in Duncan on Sunday that burned the residence and three vehicles.

Officials say faulty electrical wiring in the truck is to blame

Staff Reports

DUNCAN – Faulty electrical wiring in a truck led to a fire that spread to two other vehicles and eventually burnt down a residence on Sunday.

According to a release from the Greenlee County Attorney’s Office, authorities were dispatched at about 3:30 p.m. to a house in east Duncan that was on fire. Upon arrival, the home was fully engulfed and volunteer firefighters with the Duncan Fire Department extinguished it with minimal damage to the surrounding area. However, the home was “completely damaged”.

Contributed Photo: The fire consumed the residence and burned three vehicles.

Witnesses reported seeing a Dodge pickup truck burning from the engine bay area while it was parked roughly three to four feet from the residence. The tenants of the residence attempted to douse the blaze but were not successful and it quickly spread to two other vehicles and the residence. Both the owner of the residence and the renters advised they did not have any fire insurance. A minor injury to a resident’s arm was reported.

The tenants reportedly told investigators about electrical problems they’ve had with the Dodge pickup for the past year and believed that was the likely culprit to the fire.

Contributed Photo: The fire spread from the truck to the residence.