Contributed Article
The Graham County Health Department is excited to announce, that Mount Graham Regional Medical Center (MGRMC) has partnered with the Graham and Greenlee County health departments to conduct our Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) to gauge the health needs of our communities.
We need your help!
By spending a few minutes taking our CHNA survey, you can help us learn what healthcare issues most impact you and your family. Using this information, we can better understand which programs and services our area needs most. Help give a voice to all of our Gila Valley residents.
Better yet? Everyone who takes our survey before Sept. 17 is entered into a contest to win one of 10, $50 Walmart gift cards!
Click here to take the survey.
How can you spread the word?
- Share on your social media pages ( Personal and work-related).
- Share through your distribution lists.
- Hang flyers up in your business or organization.
- Print flyers and give them to those you work with and serve.
- Tell a friend.