The BLM has extended its public comment period for its Travel Management Plan.
SAFFORD – The Safford Field Office has extended the public comment period for the Gila-San Simon Travel Management Plan to give the public more time to provide comments that will assist in analyzing the proposed plan. The extended comment period will now close on Dec. 23, 2023. Interested parties may view the Story Map, an interactive map and an overview of the project, as well as review the draft Environmental Assessment at and may submit comments by phone, in person, mail, email, or through the BLM’s ePlanning website at
The Gila-San Simon TMP covers approximately 951,842 acres of BLM-managed public lands along U.S. Highway 70 from Fort Thomas to the New Mexico border, north to Clifton/Morenci, and south to Interstate-10, and covers parts of Graham, Greenlee, and Cochise counties.
The proposed plan would designate routes for motorized and non-motorized travel, establish maintenance guidelines, and identify use restrictions to protect resources and public safety. The proposal would maintain access for multiple uses, including off-highway vehicle use, hiking, horseback riding, hunting, bicycling, and camping.
The Safford area is experiencing increased demand for outdoor recreation,” said acting Safford Field Manager Amelia Taylor. “It’s important for BLM to conduct comprehensive planning to enable a variety of public land uses while conserving the outdoor environment for future generations to enjoy.”