Personal Finance Workshops are free and online Thursdays at 6 p.m.

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GILA COUNTY – Begin taking control of your spending, debt, and financial future – signup for a new four-week series of free Thursday evening workshops online that will coach you in so many ways to save money and boost credit, be financially ready for an emergency, and tackle debt.

Each session lasts about 90 minutes, and the series begins Thursday, March 16; sign yourself up conveniently online via the form here.

The University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Gila County instructor Cate Gore hosts these Thursday evening personal finance classes starting Thursday, March 16 and continuing once a week until April 6.

They’re conveniently online for 90 minutes from 6-7:30 p.m. Participants start out with a session dedicated to creating and sticking with a spending plan.

Successive Thursday evenings explore themes ranging from ‘planning for emergency events’ to the ‘costs of debt’ and ending with ‘understanding our credit score and credit reports.

Cooperative Extension Gila County also hosts free Monday online workshops exploring budgeting and debt reduction in an ongoing series titled: ‘Where Does Your Money Go?’

Want to sign up, or ask questions about the classes? Email or call (928) 402-8589. Find class announcements and budget tips at or join an affiliate group page for helpful tips about budgeting and parenting on Facebook – just search keywords for the group U of A Cooperative Extension Financial Literacy & Positive Discipline.