Jon Johnson File Photo
Contributed Article By Steve Hunt
GRAHAM COUNTY – Hey Gila Valley, we really love being part of such a great community and really appreciate all the great services you all provide. I’m now looking for some help for a friend in need – a disabled veteran who served his time protecting our freedoms and now volunteers as part of the Gila Valley Color Guard for funerals.
His property and house is in need of repairs, and I’d love to see the community come together and lend a helping hand.
We will need volunteers for dirt work, some plumbing fixes, roofing and trim work. The target date to work on the repairs is July 28, starting between 6 and 7 a.m. To donate time or for more information text me at 928-965-4370. If anyone would like to donate money, they can do so at stevehunt@steve-hunt-51378.
Thanks again, all your help will be very much appreciated.