Letter to the Editor: Mt. Graham Safe House thanks United Way for its support

Contributed Photo: Denise Benton has been named United Way of Graham and Greenlee Counties Executive Director.

Contributed Photo: Denise Benton is the United Way of Graham and Greenlee Counties Executive Director.

Dear Editor,

Mt. Graham Safe House would like to publicly thank United Way of Graham and Greenlee Counties for their generous grant approval. This year we received $49,640.00 to help support our program. These funds will be used to continue to serve our clients that have been victimized by domestic or sexual violence. We are the only program in Graham and Greenlee Counties that serves victims of domestic and sexual violence. We also serve Northern Cochise and the San Carlos Apache Tribe. We are very appreciative of their support to help us accomplish our mission.

Thank you,

Dorsha Frye

Mt. Graham Safe House

Greenlee Mobile Advocate