Healthy lifestyle for college students

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With a lot of fun activities and sometimes lots of assignments at college, exercise and diet regimens can easily fall by the wayside. Besides, it’s rare to find a college with great physical education. You will often find yourself in the hostels after classes.

Simply, it’s up to you to start building your nutrition habits and fitness. This process can be harder than you think. Fortunately, there are never-ending opportunities for a healthy lifestyle. Below are tips for a healthy lifestyle for college students.

Have an exercise routine

You will never have more free time and fewer obligations than you do at college. That’s why you should figure out what kind of exercise you enjoy. It can be:

  • Running
  • Weight lifting
  • Cycling
  • Swimming

Perhaps, you may have more free time and choose more than one. But you have to experiment and see what works for you. After that, create a routine and stick to it faithfully.

This dentist who does dental crowns in Harrisburg also recommends complementing working out with regular health checkups. This will ensure that your overall health is in good condition.

You can use your study break or exercise very early in the morning. Sometimes before the end of the semester, you may find yourself too busy. Maybe, you are trying to meet the assignment deadline and revise for your exams. To spare some time for exercise, seek help from to complete your assignment. It will help you stick to your exercise routine.

Take more fruits and vegetables than processed snacks

Always buy your fruits from the grocery store. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables will lower your blood pressure and risk of heart disease. It also prevents digestive problems and some types of cancer. Some non-starchy fruits and vegetables like apples and pears promote weight loss. When taken regularly, their low glycemic loads help prevent cases of blood sugar spikes.

It can be difficult to switch from your favorite processed snacks to healthy fruits and vegetables. Eating processed snacks can lead you to take in more sugar and fat than you require. Most processed snacks have higher calories, and you will likely add weight by taking them.

Drink a lot of water

A healthy lifestyle can hardly be achieved without taking enough water every day. Drinking adequate water is good for your health as it helps your body in different ways. Water helps your body to:

  • Protect sensitive tissues and the spinal cord
  • Get rid of waste products in the body
  • Keep normal temperature 
  • Lubricate body joints

Dehydration is known to cause unclear thinking, which results in mood change and causes the body to overheat.

Purified water has no calories. You can easily manage your weight by taking adequate water instead of drinks full of sugar. The body needs more water when you are highly active or in hot climates. You will also need more water when running a fever, diarrhea, or vomiting. Carry a water bottle with you around the college so you can easily take it when needed.

Find workout buddies

It’s easier to get buddies at college than in any other period of your life. Instead of listening to music in your house, hang out in the parks or play your favorite sport. Friends are the best people to work out with. You don’t have to pay them anything like you will have to pay the workout instructor. If your friend knows how to ride a bicycle, tell them to teach you how to during the weekend or evenings. It’s a great way to exercise and enjoy the activity.

Avoid friends who will often request you to visit the tavern during weekends. Drinking seems fun, but it can be very hard to manage when addiction strikes. Instead of going to loud clubs, take time and refresh in public parks. Too much noise is unhealthy, and you might find it hard to relax and refresh.

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Plan your meals

When was the last time you had a timetable for your daily meals? A plan for your daily meals should include quantity and quality. Of course, you cannot keep some foods off your diet. But you can plan and take a little. For instance, it can be challenging to switch to taking sugarless tea. Fortunately, you can reduce the amount of sugar you take and stick to that.

Planning also entails what you will take during breakfast, lunch, and supper. Take more proteins to help repair worn-out tissues in your body. Reading a lot can be exhausting. That’s why you need to eat healthy foods to replenish your energy. Use an app or prepare a calendar to write menus for a week before it starts.

The connection between a balanced diet, Intermittent Fasting, and Metabolic Flexibility

What is Intermittent Fasting? Intermittent fasting is the process of alternating eating and fasting for a certain period of time. There are different intermittent fasting methods, including calorie restriction and fasting-mimicking diets. 

“Everyone’s metabolism is unique”, says Mia Dige, Metabolic Coach and Personal Trainer at, “and its ability to switch between utilizing glucose and fatty acids as energy sources might differ.”

Intermittent fasting is beneficial to women’s health – it helps balance several hormones that are essential to weight loss. The three most widely used intermittent fasting regimens are the time-restricted (16/8 method), the 5:2 method (fasting two days a week and eating the other five), and the alternate-day fasting (you eat one day and fast the next).”

“When you’re fasting, your body shifts from using glucose as the primary source of energy to using stored fat, generating the metabolic switch from carb burn to fat burn. When you’re fasting, your body still requires energy, but since there is a window of no food, your body turns to the calories it needs from your storage systems – glycogen and body fat.”


A healthy lifestyle is the dream of every college student. It can help beat stress and replenish you with energy to keep you going with school activities. Of course, there are endless opportunities in nature to live a healthy lifestyle while at college. Don’t just pick one. Each of them discussed above will help you maintain your health.