By Jon Johnson
GRAHAM COUNTY – While Graham County experienced three deaths attributed to COVID-19 this week, the downward trend in new cases has continued from February into March and now only a slight percentage of cases are considered “active.” The three deaths have all been victims who are in the 65 and older age group.
As of Wednesday, March 3, the Graham County Department of Health and Human Services has reported Graham County as having only 242 active cases out of a total confirmed case count of 5,296, with 4,979 cases considered recovered, and 75 deaths.
The cases by age group include 737 under 20 years old, 2,613 between the ages of 20-44, 803 between the ages of 45-54, 565 between the ages of 55-64, and 569 who are 65 years old or older.
Greenlee County
Greenlee County also experienced one death attributed to COVID-19 this week to increase its total to 10 victims for the course of the pandemic.
As of Wednesday, Greenlee County had 61 active cases out of 565 total cases, with 494 recovered, and 10 deaths.