Gila County Fair Entries: From Apples to Zucchini

Contributed Photo: Deadlines are approaching to submit your entries in the annual Gila County Fair.

Contributed Photo: Deadlines are approaching to submit your entries for the annual Gila County Fair.

By Carol Broeder/Gila County

GILA COUNTY – Start planning for your possible blue-ribbon or best-in-show winning entries in our community’s annual Gila County Fair Wednesday through Saturday, Sept. 25-28.

Gardeners? You can enter fruits and veggies literally ‘from A-to-Z’ if you grew superb apples, zucchini, or just about any horticultural category in between – and yes, even unusual varietals such as quince, Jerusalem artichokes, kohlrabi, or elephant garlic. The fair book lists no less than eight separate categories for tomatoes; read them all at, where you can enter exhibits online, or download entry forms.

And deadlines? Whether online or in person, Wednesday, Sept. 18 is the deadline to submit entry paperwork; in-person forms can be dropped off at the Globe-Miami Chamber of Commerce that day from Noon–7 p.m. You’ll deliver your actual entries at the Gila County Fairgrounds Saturday, Sept. 21, also from Noon-7 p.m.

Homemaking Arts

Here’s a whole ‘nother competition area, and if you’ve sewn a unique garment, crib blanket, costume, onesie, or fashion accessory–enter yours for a shot at Best in Show! Bakers are invited to submit bread entries ranging from white and whole wheat to sourdough, banana, zucchini, coffee cake–or a dozen other entry options. Cakes, pies, and cookies, too. Do your homemade tamales score rave reviews from friends and family? ‘Mexican Cookery’ classes at the fair include tortillas, frijoles, sopapillas, tamales, and hot sauce. Winemakers are encouraged to enter your zinfandel, malbec, Sangiovese, tempranillo, or pinot noir. Beer categories range from ales, lagers, and porters to “spontaneous fermenting amber.”


Competitors include pickles, vegetables, jellies, jam, butter, marmalade–and even meat, poultry, or fish. 

‘Photography’ has divisions for youth, adults, and age 75+; with a separate class for pros – no less than 45 categories for subject matter from ‘abstract’ to ‘wildlife.’ Again, check out the fair book online and scroll down to page 80 for Department J—Photography.


Wednesday, Sept. 18 is the deadline to enter online or fill out paperwork for each entry in person at the Globe-Miami Chamber of Commerce from noon to 7 p.m.

Saturday, Sept. 21 deliver your entries to the exhibit hall in the main building at the Gila County Fairgrounds from noon to 7 p.m.

Questions? Exhibit categories and rules are all in the fair book, easy to find online at, for updates about events, activities, and entertainment please like and follow