By Lori Dugan
THATCHER – Eastern Arizona College’s Small Business Development Center (EAC SBDC) will present a new seminar, The Work-Life Balance: How to Run Your Business and Still Have a Life, on Tuesday, Feb. 12, from 6-8 p.m., in EAC’s High Tech Center Room #124. The registration fee is $20/person.
“ Join us to learn what successful people are doing to avoid burnout and find the ever-elusive ‘balance’ in life,” said seminar presenter and EAC SBDC business counselor Charmaine Chidester. “If you are telling yourself there is no time for this seminar, that is (an) affirmation that you need this more than anyone.”
For the last eight years, Chidester has worked at the EAC Small Business Development Center as a business counselor. She has volunteered several years on the charter school board, as a coach to several sports, cub scout leader, and various community groups. Avoiding burning out is one of her main hobbies
In this course, students will learn how personality types tie directly into success or burnout, how to regain your free-time and find more enjoyment in your commitments, how to make yourself a better leader and engage your paid or unpaid workforce, and how to apply this information to your home life and volunteer duties
For more information about this event contact the EAC Small Business Development Center at (928) 428-8590 or email: To register online visit