COVID-19 cases continue uptick in Graham, Greenlee counties as schools go back into session

By Jon Johnson

GRAHAM COUNTY – After a quiet June in which Graham County saw its COVID-19 numbers diminish to barely any in percentage with the population, new cases began to increase in July and now August as schools resume instruction. 

On Wednesday, the Arizona Department of Health and Human Services reported 17 new positive tests to bring its total confirmed cases to 5,706 for the course of the pandemic, with 77 currently active cases, 88 deaths, and 5,542 recovered cases. The higher transmissible Delta variant has been reported as the dominant strain found in new cases.  

With the new tests, Graham County has seen an increase of 30 cases from July 29 – Aug. 4. Of those new cases, 21 hail from the Safford zip code, five from the Pima/Bylas zip code, and two from each the Thatcher zip code and unknown. 

While the Centers for Disease Control recommend wearing face coverings for students and staff at schools, for schools in Graham and Greenlee counties wearing a face covering is optional for students and staff. While the San Carlos Apache Reservation has issued a mask mandate, students and staff from the Fort Thomas School District will have to wear face coverings while on reservation land but will become optional once off the reservation and while at school in Fort Thomas. 

Greenlee County

The Greenlee County Health Department reported one new positive test on Tuesday, putting its total for the pandemic at 625, with 37 currently active cases, 10 deaths, and 578 recovered cases. 

All three vaccines, Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson, are widely available for free in Graham and/or Greenlee counties, with Pfizer currently available for youth ages 12-17, and Moderna awaiting approval for use with youth in the same age bracket.