ADOT begins new planning phase for Sonoran Corridor

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Contributed Graphic By ADOT

Environmental, design concept work begins on the new Tucson-area corridor

Contributed Article/Courtesy ADOT

TUCSON – The Arizona Department of Transportation, in partnership with the Federal Highway Administration and regional planning agencies, is preparing to kick off the next phase of the Sonoran Corridor Study. This roughly 20-mile corridor, also known as State Route 410, would create a new link between Interstates 19 and 10 to the south of Tucson International Airport.

The Design Concept Report and Tier 2 Environmental Impact Statement study for the Sonoran Corridor will: 

  • Envision a narrow 400-foot wide corridor within the identified 2,000-foot corridor that provides a continuous high-capacity highway extending from I-19 to I-10 within Pima County.
  • Identify environmental considerations and mitigation efforts.
  • Identify interchange locations and design concepts.
  • Develop other design features.

Public and stakeholder outreach will occur throughout the process with public meetings scheduled for fall 2024 and spring 2025, and a public hearing in summer 2026. ADOT will provide advance notice to email subscribers and on the study webpage at SR410SonoranCorridorTier2Study. The project team encourages residents, business owners, and other community stakeholders to provide feedback.

The Sonoran Corridor study area is located within Pima County between I-10 and I-19, south of Tucson International Airport. The study area begins in the west near I-19 and El Toro Road within the town of Sahuarita and travels east to an extension of the city of Tucson’s Alvernon Way north-south alignment. It travels north along the Alvernon Way alignment to Old Vail Road and then travels east along the Old Vail Road alignment, where it connects at Rita Road to I-10. The corridor is just more than 20 miles long.

The study will include the development of a range of approximately 400-foot-wide right-of-way alignment alternatives, including a “no-build” alternative. The results of the study will be included in the Design Concept Report and Tier 2 Environmental Impact Statement to be submitted to the Federal Highway Administration for review and approval. The study process will include comprehensive analysis, measurement, assessment, and reporting on multiple factors related to environmental and community needs in the study area.

For more information and to sign up to receive study updates by email, please visit SR410SonoranCorridorTier2Study.