Wet conditions lead to fire in crash at Steve’s Self-Storage

Jon Johnson Photo/Gila Herald:

Jon Johnson Photo/Gila Herald: A truck reportedly slipped in wet conditions and crashed into a utility pole, causing a fire at Steve’s Self-Storage in Central early Wednesday morning.

Crash knocks out power, starts fire 

By Jon Johnson


CENTRAL – A truck lost control early Wednesday morning and crashed into a utility pole next to Steve’s Self Storage at 4744 U.S. Highway 70. The broken utility caught the vehicle on fire, which spread to a nearby trailer and a few storage units on the property. 

Graham Dispatch notes that a witness heard the collision at about 4:37 a.m. The witness advised hearing a loud crash and the electricity turned off. 

The driver of the truck was thrown from the vehicle before it caught fire and had only minor scrapes and scratches. According to Department of Public Safety Media Relations Specialist Bart Graves, the truck hydroplaned in the wet conditions, which caused it to strike the utility pole. He said there were no outward signs of driver impairment but that speed may have been a factor. The driver was taken from the scene by paramedics.

Debi Peterson, co-owner of Steve’s Self-Storage, believes speed was the only factor and that the streets were not slick.

“There was very little if any rain since we haven’t had any, so we aren’t the only ones who feel that story isn’t quite true,” Debi wrote in an email to the Gila Herald. “I can tell you though, that these diesel trucks, motorcycles, and many, many cars use this part of the highway as a speedway and racetrack all hours of the day and night. Rarely are they pulled over!”

Jon Johnson Photo/Gila Herald: Multiple storage units caught fire.

Debi advised that the truck also took out a brick wall, a pine tree, and two fences. She hopes the driver will make those who have damaged items whole.

“Either way, he is guilty of reckless driving and is responsible for all the items that are lost,” she said. “It would be nice if he could apologize at least to the woman who lost everything in her two storerooms and the man who lost everything in his. Not to mention the other storerooms with smoke-damaged items.”

The Thatcher Fire Department responded to the scene and knocked down the fire. The highway was closed until 7:10 a.m. to accommodate the fire-fighting and cleanup effort. 

The Graham County Sheriff’s Office assisted at the scene providing traffic control.  

Jon Johnson Photo/Gila Herald: The trailer was also badly burnt.

Editor’s Note: In a previous version of this article, the DPS advised the truck was towing the trailer. The trailer is owned by the storage facility owners and was parked at the site when the truck collided with the utility pole.