United Way presents an $18K check to St. Vincent de Paul to help provide medical screenings

Contributed Photo: The United Way of Graham and Greenlee Counties recently presented a check for $18,000 to St. Vincent de Paul to help pay for medical screenings for those in need. Pictured are, from left, Clare Santas, United Way of Graham and Greenlee Counties AmeriCorps Vista; Bob Rivera, United Way of Graham and Greenlee Counties Board Member; Linda Lopez, St. Vincent de Paul President; Mark Martinez, St. Vincent de Paul staff member, Josh Gibbs, St. Vincent de Paul staff member; Amanda Patterson, United Way of Graham and Greenlee Counties Grant Manager; Caroline Vessels, St. Vincent de Paul staff member; Dr. Susan Jones, medical provider for Good Samaritan Outreach Center; Lillian Hernandez, St. Vincent de Paul staff member, Valorie Merino, St. Vincent de Paul staff member, and Pat Camacho, St. Vincent de Paul staff member.

Contributed Photo: The United Way of Graham and Greenlee Counties recently presented a check for $18,000 to St. Vincent de Paul to help pay for medical screenings for those in need. Pictured are Clare Santas, United Way of Graham and Greenlee Counties AmeriCorps Vista; Bob Rivera, United Way of Graham and Greenlee Counties Board Member; Linda Lopez, St. Vincent de Paul President; Mark Martinez, St. Vincent de Paul staff member, Josh Gibbs, St. Vincent de Paul staff member; Amanda Patterson, United Way of Graham and Greenlee Counties Grant Manager; Caroline Vessels, St. Vincent de Paul staff member; Dr. Susan Jones, medical provider for Good Samaritan Outreach Center; Lillian Hernandez, St. Vincent de Paul staff member, Valorie Merino, St. Vincent de Paul staff member, and Pat Camacho, St. Vincent de Paul staff member.

Contributed Article

SAFFORD – The United Way of Graham and Greenlee Counties recently presented an $18,000 check to St. Vincent de Paul for their Good Samaritan Outreach Center.  

The outreach center provides medical screenings at no cost to those without health insurance.  They also provide assistance in applying for AHCCCS medical coverage.  

Screenings are performed by appointment one Wednesday per month from 1 pm until all have been served.  To schedule a screening, call St. Vincent de Paul at 928-428-0460.