The University of Arizona seeks community input

Photo Courtesy the University of Arizona

Photo Courtesy the University of Arizona

Survey takers rewarded with a $10 gift card

Staff Reports

TUCSON – The University of Arizona is seeking community input and will reward those who take a survey with a $10 Target gift card. 

The University of Arizona NIEHS Superfund Research Program- Research Translation Core is building an online environmental health mapping tool by the name of Health Opportunity Wellness Landscape (HOWL). This tool will be available to community members, policymakers, and researchers to visualize environmental health resiliencies and vulnerabilities in rural and urban Arizona communities.

If you are a current resident of Arizona, the university invites you to participate in the “Community Needs and Assets Survey” as a first step in identifying what factors contribute to your community’s resilience or vulnerability.

You can learn more about HOWL by visiting the HOWL webpage on Superfund’s website here

Click here to take the survey in English.

Click here to take the survey in Spanish.