AP Photo/Evan Vucci
Column By Mike Bibb
Last week I mentioned there were at least two arguments concerning President Joe’s perilous situation – he said he’s not going anywhere and will be the Democrat Party’s 2024 Presidential Nominee, or he gets the boot, and Vice President Kamala Harris will be working her way towards the pitcher’s mound.
Which is kind of like saying “Joe’s the greatest of all time!” or “Throw the bum out!”
A wide discrepancy between the two.
Equally puzzling, how can there be such a difference of opinions on a subject that seems fairly simple to figure out?
Either Joe is mentally and physically fit to perform the duties of the President, or he isn’t.
This would indicate the news information we’ve been receiving from the national press for the past several years was slanted toward Joe, or it wasn’t.
Finally, what we witnessed with our own eyes and ears during the June 27, CNN televised Presidential Debate was a live presentation of Joe’s declining cognitive abilities, or he simply suffered from a head cold and lack of sleep – as we were told.
If that’s the case, it must have been one of the most intense colds in history to have affected his speech, causing wandering stares, forgetfulness, and nonawareness.
This “either/or” scenario doesn’t allow much room for any other logical explanations. It does, however, leave the door wide open to an endless stream of excuses, coverups, deceptions, and misinformation.
This appears to be the modus operandi of the current administration in cahoots with an adoring mainstream media.
This, in turn, seems predicated upon the basic principle that Democrats will do whatever it takes to keep Donald Trump from returning to the White House. To the extent of propping up a delirious old man – thereby endangering the peace and safety of the country – is not beyond their intentions.
“But Joe’s been down before and gotten back up” the Left pleads.
Sure, he has. However, that doesn’t imply he’s any smarter – being in government work for 50 years is the only thing he knows how to do.
Another possibility for Joe’s reluctance to step down is he would no longer have his Department of Justice running cover for him in various legal discrepancies. Principally, his classified documents removal and suspicious foreign business dealings he’s been involved in while in the Senate and as Vice President.
These have become very real problems, substantiated by investigations of the House of Representatives, eyewitnesses, whistleblowers, and piles of paper evidence.
They are not fabricated Republican accusations invented to disparage Biden. Joe doesn’t need help for that – he’s perfectly capable of handling it by himself.
By declining to run, Joe would also lose his DOJ-trained dogs to continually go after and prosecute Trump. That would immediately come to an end if he was no longer sitting in the White House, replaced, or permanently shuffled off to his beach home in Rehoboth, Delaware.
Perhaps the handwriting was indelibly scribbled on the wall when a Hollywood Democrat celebrity, who previously promoted a multi-million-dollar fund-raising gala for Joe, suddenly flipped and suggested it was time for Joe to go.
In a July 10, 2024, New York Times opinion piece George Clooney wrote “We can put our heads in the sand and pray for a miracle in November, or we can speak the truth. . . The dam has broken. We are not going to win.”
He also suggested Democrats will lose the Senate and House. Several other Hollywood big shots have concurred.
When pampered California elites recognize the Democratic agenda is beginning to implode, things must be looking grim.
Clooney made an interesting point – “The dam has broken.”
A common retort signifying there’s a reason the is dam breaking. It didn’t collapse without the assistance of some kind of internal and external influences.
Maybe, it’s as simple as the public has grown tired of all the cockamamie crap that’s been going on the past several years: An upside-down economy, incomprehensible financial debt, wide open borders, increasing taxes, soaring living expenses, unrestrained lawlessness and riots in many of our larger cities, COVID-19 bogus information and forced health mandates, muggings and murders caused by undocumented migrants, global hostilities, rampant drugs, disruptions among ultra-liberal university and college campuses, declining work ethics, a President who tries to imprison his political rival at the same time condemning those who voted for him, month-long White House LGBTQA1? celebrations, while July 4 is granted a one-day-a-year holiday.
And now, an apparent assassination attempt on Trump during a rally in Pennsylvania on July 13, 2024 – two days before the Republican National Convention. Even more amazing, as the Secret Service hurried a bleeding Trump from the podium, he raised a defiant fist and shouted to the crowd “Fight. Fight. Fight.”
That’s a warrior and an American legend in the making. An injured Trump – with a bullet coming within half an inch of splattering his brain matter into the laps of rally attendees seated behind him – managed to exhibit leadership and inspiration during such a tumultuous incident is evidence of his unusual character and skills.
A guy like this doesn’t come along every day.
Ironically, a 20-year-old disgruntled shooter may have guaranteed 78-year-old Donald Trump a landslide victory on Nov. 5.
Is anyone surprised the recent deadly event was probably the culmination of years of constant haranguing and harassment by members of the Democrat Party and a Left-leaning media?
Actor Clooney’s “The dam has broken” is an understatement. No wonder panicking Democrats are scurrying to higher ground – fearing they may soon be overwhelmed by a backlash of legions of pissed-off citizens.
Ordinary folks have grown accustomed to being criticized, lied to, deceived, mocked, demonized, ridiculed, called Nazis, Fascists and deplorables, forced into receiving the COVID shots or lose their jobs, encouraged to “get in the faces” of their elected representatives (i.e. Rep. Maxine Waters, CA-D) and blamed for innumerable things, but after a while enough of this nonsense is enough.
Incidentally, millions of Joe’s alleged Nazis and Fascists are military veterans and First Responders. I seriously doubt they enjoy being slammed by a President who has never been either one.
Dems may soon experience the repercussions of former President Barack Obama’s admonition “Elections have consequences.”
They sure do. Some more than others.