Safford Ranger District investigating lightning strike in Marijilda area 

Image Courtesy Hike Arizona: The lighting strike reportedly occurred near the Marijilda picnic area and Rincon Spring Trail #331.

Image Courtesy Hike Arizona: The lighting strike reportedly occurred near the Marijilda picnic area and Rincon Spring Trail #331.

By Jon Johnson

MOUNT GRAHAM – A crew with the Safford Ranger District of the Coronado National Forest is investigating a lightning strike on Mount Graham that an automated response system is calling a fire. 

The WildCAD computer-aided automated response dispatch system for wildland fire agencies listed smoke in the area at 1:13 p.m. and then later listed it as the Marijilda Fire at 2:27 p.m. at 7 acres and 0 percent containment. 

However, according to a customer service representative with the Safford Ranger District, a team was sent between 2 and 2:30 p.m. to investigate a lightning strike in the Marijilda area that showed smoke afterward, but as of 4 p.m., nobody has confirmed it had turned into a fire. 

While smoke has been seen in the area, no flames have been confirmed, according to the Safford Ranger District representative. During this time of year, various lightning strikes may start small fires that then burn themselves out.

The Marijilda area was previously on fire in the 2013 Marijilda Fire and again in the 2017 Frye Fire which burned nearly 50,000 acres during its 86 days on fire.