Safford installing solar-powered, lighted crosswalk signs at courthouse

Jon Johnson Photo/Gila Herald: City of Safford employees mix cement into concrete for the base slab to hold new, solar-powered, lighted crosswalk signs in front of the Graham County Courthouse.

By Jon Johnson

SAFFORD – To increase the safety of pedestrians, the city of Safford is installing solar-powered, lighted crosswalk signs in front of the Graham County Courthouse across 8th Avenue at Main Street. 

A double white stripe across the street has designated the area’s crosswalk, which fades with time. The crosswalk, which spans 8th Avenue and starts at the courthouse, provides a safe pedestrian passage from the courthouse to Safford’s Downtown—when it is observed. 

The new crosswalk signs are solar-powered to help increase visibility. When a pedestrian pushes a button, the signs on both sides of 8th Avenue begin to blink, advising vehicular traffic that a pedestrian is utilizing the crosswalk and instructing vehicles to stop. 

A Safford work crew was on site pouring slabs on Monday and Tuesday to hold the bases of the signs. After the concrete cures, the bases are bolted on, and the rest of the sign is assembled. The last part is having it wired up by an electrical department employee, and the signs could be operational by the end of the week. 

Jon Johnson Photo/Gila Herald: When a button is pushed, the new crosswalk signs will blink to advise pedestrians using the crosswalk.