Contributed Photo: Use your tax money to help local needs by donating up to $800 per couple to organizations such as SEACUS.
Contributed Article
SAFFORD – Southeastern Arizona Community Unique Servies’ (SEACUS) mission is to improve the quality of life of mature adults in Graham and Greenlee Counties through education and activity, family caregiver support, and quality compassionate care. Our services include Meals-on-Wheels, housekeeping (including shopping, laundry, and meal prep), personal care, in-home respite (family caregiver relief), case management, and more.

In our effort to respond to additional challenges caused by the pandemic, we have expanded our roles to include online engagement, expanded eligibility requirements, delivered congregate meals, and no contact food box distributions to name a few. All these changes have helped us to continue to meet the needs of seniors in Graham and Greenlee counties.
In order to provide in-home services safely, we have implemented layers of precautions to reduce the chances of transmitting COVID-19 to our participants. Part of our precautions includes screening staff every day and giving direct care workers time to call and screen each of their clients prior to dispatching into the field to provide services. Staff is provided with appropriate personal protective equipment for themselves, and for the participants we serve.
We realize the rest of the country has begun settling in and returning to their normal activities. But our seniors still represent the most vulnerable part of our communities. Based on local stats, COVID-19 has been deadly for one in 10 seniors who contract the virus. SEACUS made a commitment early on that we would not abandon our seniors the way we witnessed other countries doing so, early on in the pandemic. We have continued to provide quality services to our senior community members in spite of the challenges posed by COVID-19.
Donations given through the Graham County Tax Credit Coalition go a long way in assisting us to absorb the additional costs of providing modified services. Your donations to any of the organizations listed on the website qualify for a dollar-for-dollar tax credit on your Arizona Income Tax Liability. Please visit the Graham Greenlee Tax Credit Coalition website at to make your donation and/or find out more. Ask your tax professional how you can benefit from making donations to Qualified Charitable Organizations right here in your communities.