Police thank community for support for Torch Run barbecue

Contributed Photo/Courtesy SPD:

Letter to the editor:

Officers from the Safford and Thatcher police departments were joined by members of the Safford Fire Department this year to sponsor the 4th annual Law Enforcement Torch Run Bar-B-Que to benefit Special Olympics. With the help of many, this year’s event raised $4,140. All proceeds from the Law Enforcement Torch Run Bar-B-Que will go directly to Special Olympics Arizona. The mission of the Arizona Law Enforcement Torch Run is to raise funds and awareness for Special Olympics statewide and to carry the Torch representing the Flame of Hope and dedicating ourselves to helping Special Olympics throughout the state.

We would like to thank James Bujarski & Carol Kuipers of Sierra Southwest Cooperative Services for printing & donating the event tickets, to Bashas for providing the cookies, Tractor Supply for the use of the beverage trough, Ice King for donating the ice, to Kempton Chevrolet for their generous monetary donation, Coca-Cola Bottling Company for donating the drinks, Tammy Mayhew of the Manor House Restaurant for donating the rolls and to the Graham County Cattle Women for donating the coleslaw.  Also, thank you to Thatcher Officer Jason Larson for cooking the meat and to Thatcher Officer James Whisman for helping to make this all possible.  We would especially like to thank each and every one of you who purchased the Bar-B-Que dinners and made monetary donations. This year’s success would not have been possible without your generosity and support. We appreciate all of you.

Safford Police Department

Thatcher Police Department

Safford Fire Department