Man allegedly poses as a police officer in an attempt to contact estranged wife at Safe House

Jon Johnson File Photo/Gila Herald

By Jon Johnson

SAFFORD – Authorities are investigating a man accused impersonating a Globe Police officer in an attempt to contact his wife, who had fled to the Mt. Graham Safe House after a domestic violence incident.

The Safe House was formed in 1995 to provide short-term emergency housing to victims of domestic violence and their children. It is a co-ed facility that provides confidential assistance to
those impacted by domestic or sexual violence.

The alleged perpetrator, identified as Abraham Franco, allegedly called the Safe House and pretended to be a Globe Police officer. While impersonating the officer, Franco allegedly advised a Safe House advocate that Franco had died and requested Franco’s wife call him back at a phone number he provided. It was later learned that the number Franco used was believed to be his mother’s phone number. 

After the wife called a relative and learned Franco was still indeed alive, the advocate called the number Franco had given her and he again identified himself as a Globe Police officer, according to her statements to the Safford Police. During the conversation, however, Franco slipped and identified himself as Franco. When the advocate called him out on it, he then questioned whether his wife was at the shelter and the advocate hung up the phone. 

According to the estranged wife, Franco has been harassing her through phone calls, texts, Facebook messages and has begun to threaten her on social media. She said Franco has threatened to find her and burn her.   

The Safford Police Department is investigating the case for aggravated harassment, use of electronic communication device to harass and impersonating a police officer. 

Click here to learn more about and/or donate to the Mt. Graham Safe House