Photo By Carlos Acuna: Semi trucks rumble down U.S. 191 through Safford on Sunday as I-10 was closed yet again for dust storms.
By Jon Johnson
SAFFORD – Freeway traffic, including large semi-trucks, are rolling through Safford and Duncan yet again.
According to the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT), Interstate 10 eastbound is closed from mileposts 352 and 391 west of the New Mexico state line due to a dust storm.
I-10 is also closed in both directions in New Mexico from the state line to MP 20.
There is no estimated time to reopen the highway.
Traffic has been detoured to U.S. Highway 191 northbound to U.S. Highway 70 eastbound through Duncan onto Lordsburg, N.M., and westbound traffic is being routed the other way as well.
I-10 has been closed multiple times over the past two years due to dust storms.