Jon Johnson File Photo/Gila Herald: The Graham County Board of Supervisors is proposing a 28% reduction in the primary property tax rate
PSA Contributed By Dustin Welker/Graham County Manager
GRAHAM COUNTY – For the sixth year in a row, Graham County leadership is proposing to lower the primary property tax rate. In addition, they are proposing to keep the Flood Control District tax rate the same as last year.
On average, approximately one-quarter of a property tax bill goes to Graham County with the remaining going to local schools, community college, fire districts, and irrigation districts. The Flood Control District rate was $0.12 last year and is proposed at $0.12 this year as well.
In 2019 Graham County property owners paid $2.99 per $1,000 of assessed value on primary property taxes. For a home assessed at $150,000 in 2019, the owner paid $448.50 in primary property taxes to Graham County. The proposed 2024-2025 Graham County tax rate is $2.13 per $1,000. The taxes on a $150,000 home in 2024-2025 would be $319.50. This 28% reduction has occurred because of good stewardship of public funds, conservative financial policies, an increase countywide in total property values, new home construction, increased business and mine activities, and a healthy local economy.
The Graham County Board of Supervisors will meet to decide on the proposed tax rates on August 1, 2024. Even though the primary tax rate will decrease, and the Flood Control District tax rate will stay the same, due to the increase in countywide assessed values, the proposed new tax rates will generate an overall increase of funds from last year. Arizona State Law considers this a tax increase and Graham County will hold a Truth in Taxation Hearing on August 1, 2024, at 8:00 am for the public to provide comments or ask questions. The Truth in Taxation Notices will be published in the Eastern Arizona Courier on July 17, 2024, and July 24, 2024. For more information about Graham County’s proposed 2024-2025 budget click here.