Apply for Gila County Summer Jobs
Contributed Article/Courtesy Carol Broeder
GILA COUNTY – Only a matter of weeks ‘til school’s out – so here’s a question for high school and college students: have you lined up a summer job? Is it interesting work that would add to your skill set, and expand your contact list and career options?
You could work as a library aide, or in Gila County Public Health; assist with IT and learn a range of new computer and network skills while on-the-job.
Recent youth summer jobs have also ranged from outdoor maintenance, working in the finance department, and office work at Gila County Public Works.
Apply by the deadline of Tuesday, May 16 for temporary jobs that begin June 5, and continue through July 14.
Sponsored by the Gila County Board of Supervisors and local community partners, this innovative program matches local youth with a range of jobs that pay $13.85-per-hour, working over the course of six weeks for Gila County Government, or the towns of Payson, Star Valley, Young and across Southern Gila County.
For a video preview, just watch the YouTube video below. In previous years, other students have interned with the City of Globe’s economic development department, the Town of Miami, and other communities.
So, if you’re a student aged 16 or older, need a summer job? This is a terrific opportunity for high school juniors and seniors, those enrolled in the next college semester, and young adults to explore local career avenues, acquire lifelong skills – and begin to build a network in their community.
Apply online at; from the main page follow links choosing: ‘offices & departments,’ then ‘human resources’, then ‘employment opportunities.’
Questions? Call Erica Raymond at Gila County Human Resources at (928) 402-4253 or by email at