Editorial: Where did Dr. Tony Fauci go? 

Dr. Anthony Fauci

Column By Mike Bibb

Isn’t it weird when COVID was suddenly determined to be no longer a threat to humanity, masks were finally tossed, and its leading spokesperson, the esteemed Dr. Anthony Fauci, also seemed to disappear?

For nearly two years, civilization depended upon Dr. Fauci’s spoken word.  His advice, experience, and knowledge of diseases were without equal.  A master of his craft, guided by scientific erudition from some of the most prestigious virology labs on the globe, particularly those in China and the World Health Organization – appropriately referred to as WHO.

Not since Noah received texts from God that a really big rainstorm was approaching, has an Earthly primate been bestowed with such awesome knowledge, wisdom, and motivation.  Tony was to immediately begin spreading the word of the sacred mandates in a darkened environment plagued with pestilence, ignorance, and obstinance. 

Surely, Saint Fauci will be remembered as a latter-day prophet and worker of miracles whose tireless efforts were largely responsible for subduing the dreaded COVID-19 menace. 

No, he didn’t make wine from water or even walk on it.  That’s too amateurish.  His mission was to convince 330 million U.S. citizens that unless they wore a mask, closed their businesses, churches, and schools, stayed home from work, skipped granny’s 83rd birthday party, invited a maximum of four people to Thanksgiving dinner, stayed one aisle over from the closest shopper at Walmart (Walmart was granted a special exemption to remain open from the highest in D.C.), washed their hands every 15 minutes and obediently stand in line to receive multiple vaccinations and boosters, then, and only then, might the country survive.

It was almost an impossible assignment, but our diminutive Prometheus excelled at pilfering cures from Heaven for the benefit of man.  He had liberated society before, and he could do it again. 

Or, at least, that was the overly-hyped gig.  For which, he has been amply financially rewarded.  Apparently, saving the nation requires certain personal sacrifices, frequent TV talk show appearances, news interviews, magazine spreads, speeches before Congress, vaccine endorsements, and a $400,000+ a year salary.

Not too shabby for government work. 

Fauci’s face was everywhere.  However, unlike a popular advertising marketeer hawking pillows and towels, Dr. Tony was constantly modifying his sales pitch to suit his perceptions.  There was no consistency, an obvious flaw in the presentation.  His game strategy changed more often than a Tom Brady audible.  

But people began recognizing the frequent discrepancies.  How, they wondered, if they were being encouraged to “follow the science,” why the science seemed to be wavering every few days?  If COVID was a legitimate threat – as we were told – then how come a vaccine became the primary touted cure?  Why didn’t Fauci encourage additional research and development of other therapies, some already known to exist?  Particularly after the shots were recognized as not being effective as promoted.  

Probably the fundamental reason for Fauci’s fall from grace was that his hustle lost its groove.  The public simply wised up to the ruse.  People eventually figured out covering their faces, and sitting six feet apart in the middle of a baseball park didn’t make them less susceptible to becoming infected by the virus.  The little blue paper and cloth rectangles strapped to their ears were about as effective at filtering virus microbes as a catcher’s mask.

People couldn’t gather for church, but they could buy a dozen Dunkin’ Donuts.  Kids were restricted from school but allowed to freely roam the toy and iPad sections at Target.  Certain non-essential adults were compelled to work from home as others stocked Home Depot’s shelves.  Masks and sanitary wipes were handed to customers entering stores, while dirty gas pump nozzles were handled millions of times a day.  Free checks were mailed to practically anyone with a zip code, and now inflation is taking it all back. 

Finally, the hypocrisy of many of our government officials and health experts was appalling, including Dr. Fauci’s.  Daily sanctimonious announcements of how we should live our lives in the midst of being surrounded by an invisible invader were over the top.

Enforcement of COVID mandates became dictatorial in some areas of the country.  Constitutional rights and protections were often overlooked during the enforcement of restrictions.  A person could speak at a school board or city council meeting if masked but asked to leave or removed from the room if unmasked.

Yet, the same authorities requiring we acquiesce to their demands were often seen and photographed in public not complying with their own regulations. 

“Rules for thee, but not for me” is a prominent display of utter disrespect they have for the very society they are taxpayer-funded to represent.  From Congress to City Hall, numerous elected – and appointed – emissaries tend to forget they were hired to work for the people.  Not themselves. 

Eventually, all good things come to an end.  Once Dr. Fauci’s particular role was no longer relevant, he simply faded into near obscurity.  Perhaps he was put back into the Genie bottle until the next health scare “crisis”.

As the media reminds us, a person with his acclaimed talents and inspiration is a rare commodity in today’s topsy-turvy world of misinformation, deceptions, and lies.

They should know — their enthusiastic ovations were largely responsible for creating this smooth-talking character.

The opinions expressed in this editorial are those of the author.