Editorial: Things are starting to unravel

Column By Mike Bibb 

Cry me a river. Dems are starting to see things unravel.  Primarily, because the continual deceptions and lies spewed by them and their acolytes in the mainstream media have finally been exposed.

How ironic is it they’ve been caught in their trap?  Super-inflated egos, matched with a colossal lack of good judgment, have them running around like chickens with their heads cut off.

The meltdown was witnessed by tens of millions of TV viewers during the evening of June 27, 2024, and the following day.

No, it wasn’t an unusual deep space anomaly only occurring every few hundred years, or the unexpected discovery of some progressive Hollywood star finding out his best girlfriend was sleeping with his other best friend or Canadian geese have been grounded this winter because climate change regulations have permitted the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration to approve only private jets – en route to climate conferences – to enter geese migratory flyways. 

These are minor upheavals compared to the giant discombobulation inside a CNN news studio incited by the current President of the United States.

Joe Biden, reigning El Jefe of the Democrat Party, became mixed up during the highly anticipated Presidential Debate in Atlanta, Georgia.

Like a deer in the headlights, Joe seemed dazed and confused.  His answers to questions during the 90-minute discussion were often disjointed and incoherent.  Frequently pausing for several seconds, mouth agape, staring into the room as if searching for the words. 

The words were not there for the simple reason there was no teleprompter to provide them.  Joe was compelled to rely on his own knowledge and speaking proficiency. In addition to the tutoring recommendations provided by 16 advisors.

It wasn’t – by any stretch of the imagination – Joe’s best performance.  It was, however, typical. Similar blunders have been occurring regularly.

To comfort an astounded audience, Joe’s team quickly explained his bumbling exhibition was due to a current cold, coupled with jet lag, lack of sleep, and rigors of running a country besieged with all sorts of domestic, international, and economic problems.

Why the Democratic National Committee permitted this presentation, knowing Joe’s propensity to entangle himself during unscripted events, was strange.  Especially, considering he was debating Donald Trump, a much more experienced extemporaneous speaker.

There’s a very valid reason Joe is limited in his public appearances – they can suddenly turn into a dumpster fire with little advanced notice.

By the end of the program, it was apparent President Joe’s flubs would reverberate throughout the hierarchy of the Democratic Party.  This was not what they were expecting. Their week of coaching and preparing Joe for the big show was an abysmal flop and a complete waste of time and money.

Money – the necessary lifeblood of political campaigns – could see a dramatic decrease if big Dem donors conclude Joe is now too much of a liability to continue to support.  Sensing a return on investment may have been substantially reduced, they can choose to send their financing elsewhere or sit out this election. 

Considering Joe is already on shaky ground in the polls, and now his Biden v. Trump “debate” was a nationwide calamity, maybe Joe should give serious consideration to permanently retiring next January to his beach home in Delaware.  He already spends half his time there.

Which is what several election observers have suggested.  The next day, major news networks were moaning over the repercussions of Joe’s disastrous performance – many recommending he not seek a second term.

An option but not a very viable possibility.

Numerous states have already conducted their Democrat 2024 primary elections and selected Joe Biden as their presidential candidate.  Now, with about four months before the national election to suddenly decide Joe needs to go to replace him with the “Flavor of the week” would void their elected choice and upset a lot of folks.

Democrats will have 4,672 delegates at their convention in August with about 740 “Superdelegates.”  However, superdelegates cannot vote on a convention’s first nomination ballot.  Normally, a candidate is selected on the first ballot.  As a result, it would be possible for Joe to be dropped from the ticket if he failed to gain enough votes on the first ballot, and the convention went into additional ballot rounds.

It wouldn’t be pretty, and painful political bruises would be suffered along the way.

Then, there’s the issue of what to do with the millions of dollars Joe has already raised for his campaign.  What happens to that?  Probably, it would have to be refunded or gifted to Kamala if she stepped forward to replace Joe.  

Not an ideal situation. It may worsen the problem considering she is even less popular than Joe.  But, that’s the chance the Party takes when it selects gender and race qualifications over substance and skills.

Remember, Joe told us he was going to select an African-American female as his VP running mate in 2020. Whether she was competent or not was beside the point. He did the same when he nominated a Black woman to the Supreme Court. When interviewed, she famously couldn’t define – and, maybe, still can’t – what a “woman” is because she wasn’t “a biologist.”

That should have been the end of the job review. It wasn’t. She was confirmed by the Senate.

Should we expect any more professionalism from a raucous DNC Convention trying to figure out who it wants for its Presidential candidate?   

Nevertheless, Biden’s dilemma is a mess of the Dems own making.  They’ve known of Joe’s public speaking difficulties, and tendencies to ramble, stutter, and fabricate stories stretching the laws of believability.  He’s been doing it for fifty years.  They’re also aware of his past suspicious conduct involving pirated classified documents, unusual overseas money transactions, and inappropriate government dealings.

U.S. House of Representatives investigations into Joe’s “family business” continues, as does Hunter Biden’s laptop computer revelations.  Old news made new by Hunter’s recent firearms violation conviction.  An IRS tax evasion trial is next. 

This is nothing new – except for those who don’t know or don’t want to know.  His former boss, Barack Obama, once commented no one should ever “Underestimate Joe’s ability to (expletive removed) things up.”

So, why should we be shocked when he fails to deliver at a campaign debate?  Everyone in his administration is cognizant of his declining mental capacity, including his own Department of Justice.

Yet, to the astonishment of the liberal press, his televised wacky behavior on June 27 came as a complete surprise – as if they had no idea his mind was as muddled as it is.

To the contrary, they had to have realized his diminished acuity – they report on him every day in some fashion or another. Yet, pretend they’re naive to promote the phony narrative Joe is the sharpest tool in the shed and our best hope for a peaceful and prosperous America.

We’re currently seeing how that illusion has worked out; as well as his promise to heal a divided America by accusing half the voting population of being White Supremacists and neo-Nazis with Trump as their new Hitler.

In reality, all the media had to do was review news clips of any number of talks and discussions Joe’s been involved in over the years.  They have rooms full of video and audio recordings within easy reach. Hardly investigative reporting, just ordinary observations from previously recorded data.

However, I believe Joe always realized his limitations and figured the best way for him to get ahead was to become involved in politics and secure a government job.  Not a particularly stressful endeavor, but full of benefits and a guaranteed paycheck.

Besides, it’s other people’s money paying for all this hoopla, so why not?

Plus, he could blow his own horn, brag about imagined accomplishments and have access to government intrigues.

Somehow, he might eventually fool enough people to become president, and Dr. Jill would finally be recognized as the real brains of the outfit!