Column By Mike Bibb
“I might be the oldest President, but I know more world leaders than any of you have ever met in your whole goddamn life!”
President Joe Robinette Biden, speaking to the press at a White House event, Jan. 5, 2025, Fox News.
Oh boy, President Joe is going out in a blaze of glory. Sort of like a falling meteorite as it burns up entering Earth’s atmosphere: Some of its charred fragments are going to crash into the hard reality of the planet’s terra firma — you’re just not sure where.
In Joe’s case, Washington, D.C., seems to be the likely location. The same place his convoluted political career began 50 years ago.
I don’t imagine it will be a very noticeable crash landing. His administration’s already done as much damage as possible before being booted out. The remaining days may produce an additional hiccup or two, requiring Trump to spend a few minutes straightening out.
Also, #47 will have a little more time to devote to national affairs since his ridiculous New York conviction has been tossed. Except for the part he is still considered a felon.
Thanks to the twisted reasoning of a Democrat New York judge, this will be the first time a sitting President is not permitted to possess a firearm, vote, or participate in affairs not allowed to felons.
Yet, in addition to having all the responsibilities and authority of the Presidency — including being Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces and possessing the nuclear codes — Trump can’t legally fill out a Federal firearms background application to buy a .22 caliber rifle to target practice with.
Hunter Biden, on the other hand, couldn’t either. He did anyway, despite being a known drug user. He also avoided prison time for income tax violations amounting to millions of dollars.
As they say, it’s nice to have friends in high places, especially if it’s a President who seems to drift in and out of lucidity.
That’s expected, considering Joe’s been a cluster-fluck since Jan. 20, 2021, and every day since. The fact he still thinks he knows more about everything than anyone else only confirms how far he’s plummeted down the rabbit hole.
When a politician begins believing his own b.s. and doesn’t hesitate to remind the press he’s rubbed shoulders with more world leaders than “you have ever met in your whole goddamn life,” then it’s reasonably safe to assume Joe has reached the end of the line.
He realizes it, but like most underachieving people in positions of authority, his ego won’t admit its faux pas. Previous statements indicting he felt confident his administration has left the country in a better condition than before is undeniable evidence something has terribly gone awry within his thought processing procedures.
As a result, the common tactic is to blame the other guy — or ignore the problem. Joe has finely tuned this tactic to an art form. Nothing is ever his fault, even when it plainly is.
The most recent example is Joe’s forced removal by the Democrat National Committee from allowing him to crusade for the 2024 Presidential election. By July 2024, it was evident he was rapidly descending from any chance of beating Donald Trump. Public sentiment and election polls were dramatically turning against him.
His failed debate against Trump sealed the deal. Everyone had seen enough.
As expected, the press continued to support Biden — and bash Trump — but by this time, the handwriting was on the wall: Joe had to go. No phony political tricks or deceptive media hype could rescue his failing campaign.
However, Democrats still faced a major conundrum — their backup candidate wasn’t very popular, either. She hadn’t done anything of important significance except be the tiebreaker in the Senate, part of her job as Vice President.
Her one big assignment, being Joe’s Border Czar, was an abysmal flop. Our southern boundary with Mexico evolved into a two-thousand-mile-long open gate. Millions upon millions of undocumented aliens rambled across as Joe and Kamala sat paralyzed by their own ineptness. Totally unconscious of what was going on.
Their asinine retort, “The border is closed,” only verified their complete lack of awareness of the situation. Neither one had a clue. Thanks largely to their equally befuddled advisors, who remained blissfully ignorant of the damages their policies inflicted upon the public.
As a result, Dems were in a dilemma. With only about three to four months before the November election and changing candidates at the last minute, their chances of overcoming Trump were not good.
Due to the DNC’s own negligence in not withdrawing Biden sooner or promoting a more likable candidate, the success of winning the 2024 election remained a distant mirage.
Kamala had at least one thing going for her: tons of money. However, even that advantage evaporated. She couldn’t keep up with Trump on the campaign trail or project an aura of confidence. Her speeches were garbled and uninspiring.
Having a thin veneer of experience and accomplishments didn’t accentuate her lack of attractiveness. Voters simply doubted her sincerity. And maybe she leaned too far left for their liking.
Today, that’s history. Both Joe and Kamala are packing their bags, saying goodbyes, and turning out the lights, a metaphoric conclusion of their calamitous one-term adventure in Washington.
His final address to the nation on Jan. 15 was simply a rehash of his bogus accomplishments and exaggerated successes of the past four years. Polls indicate Joe has about a 32% favorability rating. Mostly Democrats, I’m sure.
On the other hand, a 68% unfavorability report will be recorded for his final few days in office. Not exactly something to brag about. He will probably be remembered as one of the two or three worst presidents to have occupied the White House.
Sadly, Joe’s bumbling and fumbling were not a state secret. Anyone familiar with his long career in Washington is well aware of his tendency to insert his foot into body openings where it usually doesn’t belong.
Of course, Joe, immune to facts, might consider a title for his upcoming memoir, coauthored by Jill, Hunter, brother James and 37 pardoned death row inmates, to be — “Scandal Free and Other Fables or How I Became The Best Goddamn President In U.S. History.”
Guaranteed to be a big seller at the local recycling center.
The opinions expressed in this editorial are those of the author.