Editorial: Even The Aussies Knew

Column By Mike Bibb

“President Biden’s mental decline can no longer be ignored, not by the Democrats, not by his handlers and not even by his media allies who steadfast refused to cover his cognitive issues during the election campaign.  Anyone who has observed Joe Biden in recent years could attest to his cognitive decline, his incoherent rants, his inability to answer the simplest of softball questions.  This is a man who has been in public life for decades. He used to be an elegant, authoritative speaker.  It’s clear that the leader of the free world isn’t even free to decide when to answer questions.  How many monumental screwups will Biden oversee before he is impeached.”

Rita Panahi, Sky News, New South Wales, Australia,  Aug. 30, 2021

Even the Australians knew back in 2021 that Joe Biden’s brain was flickering.  It took the New York Times three more years to finally admit it.

Actually, the NYT didn’t acknowledge the obvious until Joe was removed from reelection by his own Democrat National Committee following a disastrous debate with Donald Trump.

Still refraining from commenting, the NYT and most of the mainstream media continued to push the narrative that Joe was perfectly fine.  

Like everyone else, he just had an occasional off day.  Only Joe’s off days were increasingly more frequent.

This makes a lot of people wonder why, several years ago, a foreign news source could easily ascertain Biden’s failing cognitive abilities while the U.S. press ignored — or covered up — the problem.

What was the point in keeping a large portion of the public oblivious to Joe’s mental issues?

Not only were several of the nation’s large daily newspapers involved in the caper, but so were cable TV and radio news outlets.

It almost appears a coordinated effort amongst the media industry was intentionally trying to promote Joe in a more favorable light while at the same time bashing Donald Trump for virtually every conceivable civil and criminal infraction imaginable.

The hysteria heightened when Trump was impeached twice by the House of Representatives — but not sustained by the Senate. After leaving office, he was indicted and convicted in Georgia and New York. These cases are presently falling apart, with the prosecutors being removed for various legal and personal shenanigans.

How much more stupid can it get?  Technically, Biden’s Department of Justice has been involved in Trump’s conviction, which means his civil rights have been suspended.  Meaning he can’t vote — even for himself. Yet, he’s now been reelected to the Oval Office — winning the Presidency, U.S. House, U.S. Senate, and Electoral College.

Meanwhile, Biden’s own Democrat National Committee removed Joe from running for reelection.  His career in national politics is over. It’s time to go home, eat ice cream, and reminisce about the good old days in the “People’s House.”

So, we now have a President who’s been indicted and convicted by a Democrat DOJ, replacing a President who was withdrawn by his own Democrat Party and substituted with a Democratic Vice President — after spending over a billion dollars on her campaign — who also faded in the General Election.

Can someone tell me what has been gained by all this cockamamie foolishness?  Other than expose to the entire world how discombobulated American politics can get when led by an assortment of suit-n-tie nitwits in search of self-satisfying aggrandizement by promoting a political ideology that the American people have no interest in.  

Even after all this irrationality, the press continues to dog Trump while heaping accolades upon Biden and Kamala Harris, two individuals whose own stumbling continues to make headlines.

The whole affair has been so obviously one-sided and intentionally biased that the concept of a fair and impartial press has suffered substantial creditability.  The positive reputations of old-line news organizations are no longer held in high regard. Particularly when their reporting has devolved into a morass of slanted opinion and provable misinformation.

Donald Trump has been their boogieman for nearly 10 years.  Practically, his every word and deed are portrayed as some kind of nefarious act intended to deceive the public for one reason or another.

It got so absurd that Trump was routinely referred to as the “New Hitler,” and his followers were indoctrinated Nazis, goose-stepping their way to countless campaign rallies.

At the same time, Joe Biden was rambling, often incoherently, about something. Soon after, he’d forgotten what he was talking about.  Handlers would then escort him from the podium.

The press — whose responsibility is to factually report upon these deeds — either ignores them or “reimagines” his statements into favorable terminology they believe is more publicly acceptable.

The White House Press Corps is little more than a propaganda appendage, often presenting Joe’s leadership skills and decisions in a manner totally inconsistent with reality.

After 50 years in Washington, the illusion of his “Learned Statesman” image — acquired through years of wrangling and behind-the-scenes deal-making — is no longer a national secret.

If it ever was.

The highly hyped fantasy of Joe’s political prowess seems like a Hollywood special effects trick intended to advance the myth that Joe is more cognizant and clever than he really is.

If foreign news organizations have recognized the deceptions, why haven’t our news bureaus done the same?

If foreign news organizations see Joe is clearly not functioning properly, then why haven’t our political representatives realized his ailments?

If foreign news organizations are beginning to suspect Joe is not in charge of running the country, then why hasn’t our press alerted us to this possibility?

They’re logical questions:  If Joe’s not physically and mentally in command and hasn’t been for some time, then who’s pulling the strings?

We’ll eventually find out, but the past four years may sadly be remembered as the era when we were led by “The gang that couldn’t shoot straight.”

President Biden’s single term in office could conceivably be acknowledged as one of the most pathetic and dishonest administrations to have occupied Capitol Hill.

Goodbye, Joe.  Can’t really say it’s been nice knowing ya.