Editorial: Democrats convict Trump

Column By Mike Bibb

Now that Democrats believe they’ve wrapped up former President Donald Trump from being a further threat to Joe returning to the White House for a second term, they could care less if his conviction proceeds on appeal in heavily Democratic New York.

New York County District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s (D) well-publicized “Get Trump” mantra – and Judge Juan Merchan’s (D) bizarre conduct (and close family association with the Democrat Party) in the courtroom – were a necessity to guarantee the jury – probably mostly Democrats – would render a decision in compliance with their directions. 

Trump was found guilty on 34 counts.  What, exactly, the details of those charges remained a mystery until the final day when the judge instructed the jury on the points of the case he thought should be discussed.   

I’m sure Mr. Merchan is going to be the center of attention in numerous complaints and appeals.  A reprimand or dismissal from office should be given serious consideration.  

However, it’s deep blue New York, so he may be promoted. 

I’ve little confidence the New York Court of Appeals has more integrity than the District Courts. Particularly when it comes to deciding Donald Trump’s petition.

President Biden (D) has already expressed views the term “rigged” was an inappropriate response to Trump’s trial and should be avoided. 

He might be right. Maybe “railroaded” would be more fitting. 

Unfortunately, Trump has at least three more indictments awaiting adjudication and probably insufficient time to complete the appeal process prior to November’s elections.

Unless the Supreme Court gets involved. Which they’ve done in previous election disputes.

Even before Trump was sworn into office on Jan. 20, 2017, the Dems have hounded him profusely. Primarily, because his pedigree didn’t mesh with theirs. He is a wealthy outsider businessman, with different opinions on how government should function for the betterment of society.

Plus, he was a non-career politician or bureaucrat – a rare species in our nation’s capital.

These ideas clashed with the socialist views of Democrats. Consequently, they impeached him twice, conducted several investigations for alleged infractions, and tried to prevent his name from being included in state primary elections. 

This foolishness was struck down in an infrequent 9-0 unanimous decision by the Supreme Court. Liberal judges joined with conservatives in pointing out the absurdity, and unlawfulness of attempting to deny state electors the opportunity of casting their vote for the candidate of their choice by delisting that candidate’s name from the ballot.

With repeated failures to stop Trump, Dems were getting hysterical. Adding to their despair, Joe’s dismal performance in office is becoming more evident every day, and there’s no reason to expect things will improve.

His backup, VP Kamala Harris, is equally clueless. Between the two, it’s a challenge to determine which one has some idea of what is going on at any given time of the day.

Joe’s wacky “Bidenomics,” coupled with excessive government spending and runaway debt, promoted rising inflation and the folks are suffering as a result. Everything from asparagus to zucchini has significantly gone up in price.  

Mortgages, fuel, loan interest, utilities, food, home and auto insurance, clothing, new and used vehicles, Big Macs, street tacos, mail and shipping costs, and practically any goods and services requiring cash, check, or credit card for payment is dramatically more expensive than a few years ago.     

Joe’s abandonment of border enforcement is a pitiful example of his near-total lack of concern and leadership.  He has no idea the detrimental effects it is having upon the country, or the hardship it is causing communities across this nation.

Instead, he’s more concerned with conniving various schemes to prevent Trump from retaking the White House. Joe appears obsessed with stopping him in any way he can. 

His phony pledge of being the “Great Uniter” has turned out to be – like many of his broken promises – just more lies and half-truths from a guy who’s nearly divided the country in half in less than three years.

The “lawfare” campaign against former President Trump through a corrupt process has given a new definition to the term “Dirty Politics.” 

All of this craziness didn’t mysteriously happen by itself. It had to have been conceived and carried out by a group of people with the intended purpose of hurting, bankrupting, and destroying Trump. 

Their motives are obvious, as are their means and opportunities. 

That – in itself – is a perfect example of Joe’s priorities as President. Whatever else is on his plate is of little matter. That is, if he’s aware of what’s on his plate, or where the plate is.

Nevertheless, Trump’s conviction has stirred the ire of millions of previously complacent citizens.

Instead of rioting and burning cities, within a few hours of the court’s “Guilty” announcement nearly $35 million in donations poured into Trump’s campaign chest. Reportedly, about 27% of the donors were first-time contributors.

Within 48 hours, the total had doubled to $70 million – approximately $1.5 million per hour. 

A lot of money from a bunch of pissed-off people in a short period.

Donald J. Trump may be labeled a “convicted felon” by the legal system, an ecstatic liberal media, and left-leaning Democrats and RINOs, but the fact remains he’s still Trump – physically, mentally, and emotionally.

No Big Apple courtroom theatrics are going to change that.

If President Biden shows up for the June 27 debate, and CNN moderators are more fair and square than Judge Merchan’s exhibition, Joe may experience first-hand how Trump’s conviction has not slowed his energy, resolve and command of facts and figures.

Three attributes that are completely missing from Joe’s DNA.  Unless a scripted teleprompter or large print cue cards are available.

And – maybe a four-pack of Red Bull to help him stay awake long enough to respond to questions.