Contributed Photo: The four Thatcher High School winners from last year’s DAR Scholarship Patriotic Essay Contest were, from left, Brooklyn Dorr, Kendyl Barney, Blake Kartchner, and Wallace Haller. The DAR local chapter is looking to award four more winners this year. The essay deadline is Aug. 27.
Contributed Article/Courtesy Bonnie Briscoe-Gila Valley Chapter DAR
GRAHAM COUNTY – The Gila Valley Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) is continuing to offer four scholarships valued at $600, $500, $400, and $300. These scholarships apply to students of any grade level attending Mount Graham High School, Thatcher High School, or homeschooled on the high school level who are taking EAC dual-enrolled general education classes.
Since part of DAR’s mission is to promote an understanding of American heritage in today’s young people, the awarding of this scholarship will be based on the submission of a short, patriotic essay due by Aug. 27, 2024. With the deadline only a month after school starts and submissions highly competitive, applicants are encouraged to work on their essays during the summer.
Here are some guidelines for the 2024 essay.
Essay topic is: The U.S. Constitution was established to form a more perfect union. How has your community or school contributed to promoting a more perfect union?
Essays must be 450-750 words, typed, double-spaced in 12-point Times New Roman font, with standard margins.
Entries must include a cover sheet with name; contact information including mailing address, e-mail address and phone number; grade level; school; classes enrolled in at EAC; and title of the essay.
Three judges will review each essay for content, clarity, organization, and patriotism.
Winners will be recognized during the DAR Constitution Week program on Sept. 19 and will appear in the Gila Herald in early October.
For further details needed for the submission of essays, contact DAR Gila Valley Chapter member Helen Masten at (928) 899-4482, or Bonnie Briscoe at (928) 428-5904. Other DAR chapter members or high school guidance counselors can be contacted at the two high schools listed above.