Editorial: Can anyone become president?

The White House

Column By Mike Bibb

“When I was a boy, I was told that anyone could become president; I’m beginning to believe it.” 

Clarence Darrow, American lawyer, 1857 – 1938

It’s looking like the observations of Clarence Darrow that anyone can become President of the United States has evolved into a prophecy of sorts.

This leads one to wonder, if Darrow was concerned in his time over the caliber of individual who managed to claw his way to the top of the political heap, he’d probably suffer multiple brain aneurysms with today’s selections.

Of course, each era produces its own distinct candidates and subject matter, largely depending upon the influence of current events.  This isn’t to imply any particular political and social period is more important than another.  Except each succeeding epoch is built upon its predecessor and begins where the previous one ended.

There hasn’t been a more obvious contradiction in recent political styles and management techniques than the dissimilarities between the Donald Trump and Joe Biden Administrations – two seemingly diametrically opposed points of view, making it arduous to imagine they both represent the thoughts and sentiments of the nation’s citizens.

The two have, basically, nothing in common.  One is a wealthy businessman, never involved in the political apparatus until he was elected the 45th President, while the other has spent nearly his entire 78-year adult life immersed in Washington’s web of influences and intrigues – until being awarded the Crown Jewel, the 46th President of the United States.

Most people are encouraged to retire by the age of 65, but in politics, particularly national politics, a person can stay as long as they’re reelected.  Not sure this is a positive thing, as it appears more of personal ambition than responsible civic duty. 

Why are there certain age requirements to enter national public office, but none stipulating a certain age for an individual’s departure?  Simple, the U.S. Constitution requires only a minimum age requirement to be met.  No retirement age or “term limits” are mentioned.

That’s left to the election process.

Also, once they’re in office and making the rules everyone else must follow, they can also fashion scenarios to benefit themselves.  Most people would not intentionally decide how old they must be in order to forbid themselves from working.  

In Trump and Biden’s case, both men are in their mid to late 70s.  However, that’s where the likeness ends.  They are not comparable in personality, political convictions, or mental alertness.  Nor do they share a common vision for the country.

As mentioned, it’s almost unbelievable both individuals could be vying for the same job with totally different political attitudes and opinions.  Even more inconceivable, there seems to be a public market for both.  

In the short span of only 10 months, President Joe has nearly managed to decimate the economy, upend established immigration laws, sparked dozens of COVID vaccine mandate lawsuits, overseen the worst inflationary pressures in decades, totally shattered our withdrawal from Afghanistan, witnessed unprecedented inventory and supply shortages, proposed multi-trillion-dollar budget and spending proposals at a time the country is already nearly 30 trillion dollars in debt and on and on.

Every day seems to bring a new basket of controversies.  Now, there’s speculation Joe and his own vice-president are having disagreements amongst themselves.  Possibly due to the realization that neither one has a firm grasp on what they’re doing.  

Little wonder the Biden/Harris team continues to plummet in the opinion polls.  Yet, the mainstream media is reluctant to fully report the dismal state of affairs.  Focusing, instead, on other events in order to draw the public’s attention from the upheavals within the Oval Office.

I’m not certain if Clarence Darrow witnessed anything equivalent to the political cacophony going on presently.  The delays and difficulties of President Theodore Roosevelt’s Panama Canal project in the early 1900s were headline news at the time, but it pales in comparison to events of 2021.

All Teddy had to do was see to it that a bunch of rocks and dirt was moved in order to provide a navigable, 50-mile-long waterway from the Atlantic to the Pacific.  With the exception of weather interruptions, contractual disputes, uncooperative soil conditions, equipment failures, and tropical diseases, carving a ditch through the isthmus was a lengthy exercise in frustration – but doable.

Canal construction began in 1881 and was completed in 1914, 33 years later.  The United States assumed responsibility in 1904 

Joe Biden faces his own canal-type dilemma.  He may go under like the French, the original contractors of the Panama Canal, or with skill, determination, and mental dexterity see his expensive “Build Back Better” vision become a reality.

Currently, it remains to be seen if he possesses those talents, or is this just another contrived smoke-screen to further advance the Democrats’ far-leftist agenda?