Contributed File Photo: Red Cross Phlebotomist Charlie Overhold stands with a collection from a previous event. Overhold has donated more than 17 gallons of blood himself and credits it with keeping his blood fresh. March is Red Cross Month to recognize those who participate in its life-saving mission.
Contributed Article By Red Cross Communications Volunteer Ira Feldman
ARIZONA – March has been designated American Red Cross Month, which celebrates the many contributions the Red Cross has made since its founding by Clara Barton in 1881. Ever since 1943, when President Franklin Delano Roosevelt first proclaimed the month of March as Red Cross month, each succeeding president has proclaimed March as Red Cross month to recognize Americans who participate in its life-saving mission.
When a disaster happens, the American Red Cross provides shelter, food, health, and mental health services to both the general public and the American Armed Forces. The mission of the Red Cross is to assist individuals and families to resume their normal day-to-day activities. The Red Cross responds to an emergency every 8 minutes in the U.S.! This means that in every 24-hour period, the Red Cross responds to approximately 180 emergencies! This service is provided to everyone no matter where they are located.
With a force of more than 1.2 million, 90% of which are made up of volunteers, the Red Cross continues to provide its services in all 50 states and territories of the United States. In this regard, the Red Cross needs your help! If you are over the age of 18 years old and wish to volunteer your time and services to the Red Cross you can fill out an application. You may also wish to donate much-needed blood to your community. You can do so by making an appointment. Finally, of course, you may wish to donate funds to facilitate the continuation of Red Cross services which are financed almost entirely by contribution. To do any of this please go to
The motto of the Red Cross movement is “Per Humanitatem Ad Pacem” which translates to “through humanity to peace” and since its founding, it has certainly lived up to its motto!