Jon Johnson Photo/Gila Herald: Leyva Rides brought up these beauties from Tucson for Lowrider Style’s second annual Cinco de Mayo Car Show on Saturday.
By Jon Johnson
SAFFORD – It was certainly a sight to see as competitors from around Arizona and into Texas and New Mexico brought their rides to show off at Lowrider Style’s second annual Cinco de Mayo Car Show at Safford High School on Saturday.
“It’s the biggest car show I’ve ever done,” organizer Matt McCabe said.

Lowrider Style promotes the Cinco de Mayo show as it travels around attending other shows throughout the year. The event outgrew its inaugural spot alongside the other festivities at St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church last year, and with 105 entries McCabe said Bulldog Boulevard at the Safford High School was the perfect spot.
“There would have been no way to fit all these guys at the church,” McCabe said. “So, Bulldog Boulevard works perfect (with) a nice flow. You go up one side and down the other and you see everything.”

Arnulfo Riesgo brought his 1959 GMC pickup truck with a group of vehicles from Leyva Rides out of Tucson. He said his truck is 90 percent original parts and is the same truck he drove when he was in high school. Leyva Rides brought a cadre of vehicles from the 50s, which were mostly cars but had a couple trucks mixed in with the group.
Riesgo lamented taking his truck to get new tires and the attendant not knowing how to start it since it has its original push start on the floor and a four-gear transmission off the steering wheel.

A group from Phoenix brought their lowrider cars and had them up on blocks, with a couple having the wheels removed to enable spectators to view all the customization.
All in all, the move from the church didn’t appear to hurt either group and both saw a large number of participants.
“We just wanted to do something cool for the community to come check out and introduce them to a different kind of car culture,” McCabe said. “I love doing it. I just want to thank all my family for coming out and helping me make it successful. I couldn’t do it by myself, that’s for sure.”