Editorial: Breathtakingly dishonest, lethally incompetent, and stunningly ignorant Nazi talk

Photo By Gage Skidmore/Creative Commons: Former President Donald Trump is shown here at a rally in 2020.

Column By Mike Bibb

“He is morally bankrupt, breathtakingly dishonest, lethally incompetent, and stunningly ignorant of anything related to governing, history, geography, human events or world events.”– unnamed high-level White House figure, mentioned in Jonathan Karl’s second book on Trump, “Tired of Winning,”

Quoted in John Young’s Nov. 20, 2023 column in the Gila Herald, “Certifiable, Verifiable, Undeniable, Nazi Talk.”

Wow, what a statement to make about the president of the United States.  I had no idea Trump was a Nazi, although I’ve heard news reporters talk about it since 2016.

There was no evidence of the claim before then.

I try mightily to refrain from commenting on Colorado’s “Longtime newspaper man” John Young’s weekly rant on Donald J. Trump, but when I read his Nov. 20, 2023 tirade in the Gila Herald, I had to back up and refocus on the article several times — slowly — to make sure he was talking about Trump, and not his hero Joseph R. Biden. 

Then, near the end of the piece, I came across the disclaimer eliminating any assumed credibility of the story — an “Unnamed high-level White House figure” who, supposedly, “served in Trump’s good graces.”

After building his argument with multiple paragraphs listing individual names and reasons why Trump is more Hitler-like than Hitler, Young concludes by quoting a concealed source’s opinion as an absolute revelation, not to be questioned by mere mortals.

That’s the best he could do?  Citing some unidentified bozo as the basis of his argument seems expected in today’s factually struggling media environment.

That would be similar to discussing in court a witness’s irrefutable evidence of a suspect involved in a crime, but a prosecutor wouldn’t produce the witness because the individual wished to remain anonymous.       

Until that point, I wasn’t positive if the description of morally bankrupt, dishonest, incompetent, and ignorant of practically everything was reflective of Trump’s four brief years in Washington, or Joe’s nearly 50 years wallowing in the D.C. Swamp.

However, after reviewing the U.S. House Oversight Committee’s findings on Joe, Hunter, James, and other Biden behind-the-scenes business dealings with various domestic and foreign entities, I’m reasonably certain Mr. Young must have mistakenly mixed up his topic’s characters.

Oxygen deprivation, caused by Colorado’s thin Rocky Mountain air, can sometimes play tricks on the mind. Visiting opponents of the Denver Broncos often experience it.

Members of the Biden family, not Donald, are currently under investigation for shenanigans involving millions of tax-free dollars.  Members of the Biden family, not Trump, are being subpoenaed to explain where all the money came from, and why it was paid.  Members of the Biden family, including brothers, wives, sisters, uncles, and grandchildren will be asked by a Congressional committee about their involvement in the operation who was responsible for setting up this criminal enterprise? 

No matter how zealously Democrats and the press may try to persuade us to believe otherwise, Trump had absolutely nothing to do with it.

From all appearances, it’s strictly a Biden family affair.  Consequently, things could get ugly quickly.  Congressional investigations, when properly conducted, have a remarkable ability to get to the crux of the matter and identify likely culprits.

Trump has already survived two impeachments by a Democrat House.  It’s uncertain Joe can do the same.  There’s just too much documentation, and witnesses, to refute pleas of innocence.  Even from a cognitively challenged 81-year-old president.  

Secret bank accounts, phony shell companies, and tax evasion schemes will be difficult to dispute, particularly when the evidence is laid bare for all to see.

A corrupt Department of Justice and a kissy-kissy Senate are Joe’s primary hopes of avoiding an impeachment conviction.  While the House and Senate can remove him from office, it takes national and state justice departments with integrity to civilly or criminally prosecute.

To date, that integrity appears to be on hold, unless the alleged crimes involve Donald Trump.  Then, four indictments, amounting to 91 charges, can suddenly be manufactured and brought to trial without delay.

Yet, President Joe is absolved of any bad conduct involving his intentional removal of classified documents, stored in multiple locations, dating back decades.

The “He may have committed unlawful things, but he didn’t mean to.  He’s not a bad guy when you get to know him” defense is sort of a replay of Hillary’s previous investigation and dismissal by James Comey, former Director of the FBI. 

Yet, Trump is accused of nearly the very same thing, but I don’t see the FBI riding to his rescue.  Quite the contrary.  His Florida residence was aggressively intruded upon by dozens of armed FBI agents seeking alleged purloined records and papers.

Maybe, Mr. Young would like to discuss the Bureau’s stormtrooper tactics regarding Trump’s home invasion.  Was it really necessary to send in a convoy of federal officers to seize documents secured in a small locked room, protected by Trump’s staff and Secret Service personnel?

If this nonsense wasn’t politically motivated, it would seem like a Saturday Night Live comedy skit mocking our multiple-tiered justice system. 

I’m wondering if longtime columnist John Young will mention that in an upcoming article.

The opinions expressed in this editorial are those of the author.